indigotech / onboard-andrew-silva

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OnBoard Project: User CRUD


This is a training project that allows an intern to develop their skills in specific technologies and learn the day-a-day workflow at Taqtile. This project focuses on constructing an API featuring a simple CRUD for users employing many technologies, which are described in the following.

Environment and tools

Basically, the main technologies employed in this project are:

First, it is necessary to install and configure Node.js 15.8.0 (via nvm) and Docker. Then, just clone this repo and, inside the project folder, install all packages by running:

npm install

Thereafter, it is necessary to initialize the databases, which can be done by running:

docker-compose up -d

In addition, there are some useful tools that can be used for many purposes. For example, in order to keep the code clean, readable, and correct, installing Prettier and ESLint extensions in your VSCode is a good choice. Furthermore, managing databases may be easier when using software such as DBeaver or TablePlus, just choose whatever you prefer.

Running and debugging

After configuring everything, it is possible to run the project. Just run the start:dev script using VSCode or run:

npm run start:dev


To build this project in a /dist folder, run the build script using VSCode or run:

npm run build

From that, it is possible to start the built project with only the necessary dependencies and already compiled codes. To do that, run the start script using VSCode or run:

npm run start


To do