indigotech / onboard-julia-muniz

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Onboarding jmuniz

This App is an onboarding activity to learn about React Native and related tools. Currently, it is a Hello World App for all platforms, Android, iOS and Web.

Environment and Tools

  1. Development

    • Node.js: 20.17.0
    • NPM: 10.8.2
    • Expo: 51.0.8
    • Typescript: 5.3.3
    • React: 18.2.0
    • React-native: 0.74.5
  2. Test Environments

    • iOS: iPhone 15 Pro Max
      • from XCode v15.4: iOS 17.5 simulation
    • Android: Pixel 4
      • from Android Studio v2024.1.1: Android Emulator v32.1.12-9751036 (Qemu-system-aarch64)

Steps to Run

  1. In a terminal inside onboard-jmuniz folder:

    1. Run: npx expo start
    2. Toggle the iOS environment with the shortcut i
    3. Toggle the Android environment with the shortcut a
      • It will be necessary to download and install the app on the emulator, use this link
    4. The application loaded should appear like the following image: