indirect / jquery-rails

A gem to automate using jQuery with Rails 3
MIT License
466 stars 36 forks source link


jQuery! For Rails! So great.

This gem provides:


Apps generated with Rails 3.1 or later include jquery-rails in the Gemfile by default. So just make a new app:

rails new myapp

If upgrading from an older version of rails, or for rails 3.0 apps, add the jquery-rails gem to your Gemfile.

gem "jquery-rails"

And run bundle install. The rest of the installation depends on whether the asset pipeline is being used.

Rails 3.1 or greater (with asset pipeline enabled)

The jquery and jquery-ujs files will be added to the asset pipeline and available for you to use. If they're not already in app/assets/javascripts/application.js by default, add these lines:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

For jQuery UI, we recommend the jquery-ui-rails gem, as it includes the jquery-ui css and allows easier customization. This gem still packages the jQuery UI javascript for compatibility. To use it, add the following line to your application.js:

//= require jquery-ui

In order to use the themed parts of jQuery UI, you will also need to supply your own theme CSS (or use the jquery-ui-rails gem mentioned above).

Rails 3.0 (or greater with asset pipeline disabled)

This gem adds a single generator: jquery:install. Running the generator will remove any Prototype JS files you may happen to have, and copy jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for Rails (and optionally, jQuery UI) to the public/javascripts directory.

This gem will also hook into the Rails configuration process, removing Prototype and adding jQuery to the javascript files included by the javascript_include_tag(:defaults) call. While this gem contains the minified and un-minified versions of jQuery and jQuery UI, only the minified versions are included in :defaults.

To invoke the generator, run:

rails generate jquery:install #--ui to enable jQuery UI

You're done!


Feel free to open an issue ticket if you find something that could be improved. A couple notes:


Many thanks are due to all of the jquery-rails contributors. Special thanks to JangoSteve for tirelessly answering questions and accepting patches, and the Rails Core Team for making jquery-rails an official part of Rails 3.1.

Copyright André Arko, released under the MIT License.