ineedbots / t5_bot_warfare

The Bot Warfare mod for Black Ops 1
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T5 Bot Warfare

Bot Warfare is a GSC mod for PlutoniumT5.

It aims to extend the existing AI in the multiplayer games of Black Ops 1.

You can find the ModDB release post here.



This mod extends the functionality and features of Combat Training in Black Ops multiplayer.


  1. Download the latest release of Bot Warfare.
  2. Locate the root folder which your game is installed in.
  3. Move the files/folders found in 'Move to root of Black Ops folder' from the Bot Warfare release archive you downloaded to the root of your Black Ops folder.
    • The folder/file structure should follow as '.Black Ops folder\mods\mp_bots\mp_bots.iwd'.
  4. The mod is now installed. Start your game, go to the 'Mods' menu and select 'mp_bots'.
  5. The mod is now loaded! Go play Combat Training and enjoy the new additions.



Dvar Description Default Value
bots_main Enable this mod. 1
bots_main_waitForHostTime How many seconds to wait for the host player to connect before adding bots to the match. 10
bots_main_debug Enable bot event prints.
  • 0 - disable
  • 1 - for just debug events
  • 2 - for every event
    bots_main_kickBotsAtEnd Kick the bots at the end of a match. 0
    bots_manage_add Amount of bots to add to the game, once bots are added, resets back to 0. 0
    bots_manage_fill Amount of players/bots (look at bots_manage_fill_mode) to maintain in the match. 0
    bots_manage_fill_mode bots_manage_fill players/bots counting method.
    • 0 - counts both players and bots.
    • 1 - only counts bots.
    • 2 - exactly 0 but auto adjusts bots_manage_fill to map.
    • 3 - exactly 1 but auto adjusts bots_manage_fill to map.
    • 4 - bots are used for balancing teams.
    • 5 - exactly 4 but auto adjusts bots_manage_fill to map.
    bots_manage_fill_watchplayers Bots will not be added until one player is in the game 0
    bots_manage_fill_kick If the amount of players/bots in the match exceeds bots_manage_fill, kick bots until no longer exceeds. 0
    bots_manage_fill_spec If when counting players for bots_manage_fill should include spectators. 1
    bots_team One of autoassign, allies, axis, spectator, or custom. What team the bots should be on. autoassign
    bots_team_amount When bots_team is set to custom. The amount of bots to be placed on the axis team. The remainder will be placed on the allies team. 0
    bots_team_force If the server should force bots' teams according to the bots_team value. When bots_team is autoassign, unbalanced teams will be balanced. This dvar is ignored when bots_team is custom. 0
    bots_team_mode When bots_team_force is 1 and bots_team is autoassign, players/bots counting method.
    • 0 - counts both players and bots.
    • 1 - only counts bots
    bots_loadout_reasonable If the bots should filter bad performing create-a-class selections. 0
    bots_loadout_allow_op If the bots should be able to use overpowered and annoying create-a-class selections. 1
    bots_loadout_rank What rank to set the bots.
    • -1 - Average of all players in the match.
    • 0 - All random.
    • 1 or higher - Sets the bots' rank to this.
    bots_loadout_prestige What prestige to set the bots.
    • -1 - Same as host player in the match.
    • -2 - All random.
    • 0 or higher - Sets the bots' prestige to this.
    bots_loadout_codpoints Bots will be given this amount of codpoints to spend.
    • -1 - Average of all players in the match.
    • 0 - All random.
    • 1 or higher - Sets the bots' codpoints to this.
    bots_play_move If the bots can move. 1
    bots_play_knife If the bots can knife. 1
    bots_play_fire If the bots can fire. 1
    bots_play_nade If the bots can grenade. 1
    bots_play_take_carepackages If the bots can take carepackages. 1
    bots_play_obj If the bots can play the objective. 1
    bots_play_camp If the bots can camp. 1
    bots_play_target_other If the bots can target other entities other than players. 1
    bots_play_killstreak If the bots can call in killstreaks. 1
    bots_play_aim If the bots can aim. 1



    Feel free to use code, host on other sites, host on servers, mod it and merge mods with it, just give credit where credit is due! -INeedGames/INeedBot(s) @