infectious / adstxtcrawler

Crawls publisher sites and grabs information from their ads.txt files
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

ads.txt crawler Build Status


This crawler relies on you having the latest Python installed and accessible on your path. You'll need to setup a virtual environment path to isolate deps.

# Setup a virtualenv to use and activate it
export ADSTXTCRAWLER_VENV=/tmp/adstxtcrawler-venv
python3.7 -m venv $ADSTXTCRAWLER_VENV
source $ADSTXTCRAWLER_VENV/bin/activate
# Install the application.
python install

Data is written to a MariaDB/MySQL instance as provided by the database URI configurable. Postgres is not supported at this instance but PRs are welcome.


adstxt --file --file_path=/tmp/adstxt_domains

This will start up the crawler, using the file argument and the specified path.

The first time this runs depending upon the size of the list of domains this may take in the hours to write fetched data into MySQL.

Alternatively Elastiscearch can be used to source the domain data from, this is however not recommended as it's had very little testing. This can be accessed via the following

adstxt --es


Configuration is done either through CLI paramaters or using environment variables. Required configuration is variable dependent upon configuration. The crawler currently either takes a single column CSV of domains, or an elasticsearch query which can return a list of domains.

Configuration options available are.

Configurable Environment Variable Explanation
Database URI ADSTXT_DB_URI Database URL to write to.
File path ADSTXT_FILE_PATH File path of CSV of domains to scan (only used when file argument is given).
Elasticsearch URI ADSTXT_ES_URI Elasticsearch URL to read data from (only used when elasticsearch argument is given).
Elasticsearch query ADSTXT_ES_QUERY Elasticsearch query to read data from (needs to return a valid result as per docs).
Crawler Tag ADSTXT_CRAWLER_TAG Unique identifier that's added to user agent to identify crawler.
Log level ADSTXT_LOG_LEVEL Log level to run at, defaults to info
Log formatter ADSTXT_LOG_FORMATTER Log formatter to write output as, takes normal python logging format.
Sentry URI SENTRY_DSN Sentry URL to write any exception data to.
Git Hash GIT_HASH Git version to report sentry exceptions as.


Setup a new virtualenv, and run the following to get started.

python develop
mypy adstxt/ --ignore-missing-imports --strict-optional
# Run tests including integration suite.
pytest -vv --integration

All tests should return green. Please don't open a PR with failing tests unless you're unsure why they're failing.


SQLAlchemy Models are available via models.

These are importable and can be used instead of writing raw sql upstream.


Please submit any bugs you find here, we've done our best efforts to not include any, but I'm sure some exist.

Missing features

  1. Async database support will greatly improve the throughput vs writing to the database in a single background thread.
  2. Postgres support.
  3. Statsd integration, there's very little monitoring currently. This is soon to come.