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PolarFire SoC Video Kit Libero reference design
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PolarFire® SoC Video Kit Reference Design Generation Tcl Scripts - Libero® SoC v2023.2+

Table of Contents


This repository can be used to generate a reference design for the PolarFire SoC Video Kit. This reference design will have the same or extended functionality compared to the pre-programmed FPGA design on the Video Kit.

A Libero SoC Tcl script is provided to generate the reference design using Libero SoC along with device specific I/O constraints.

This repository supports Libero SoC v2023.2, which is available for download here.


The Video Kit Reference Design can be generated using any of the free or paid Libero licenses. Licensing information is available on the Microchip website here.

Using the reference design generation Tcl script

Standard design generation

To generate the standard reference design which is capable of running the majority of bare metal example applications and run Linux® the following flow can be used:

  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Open Libero v2023.2
  3. Open the execute script dialog (CTRL + U)
  4. Execute the "MPFS_VIDEO_KIT_REFERENCE_DESIGN.tcl" script
  5. Configure the design if required
  6. Run the Libero SoC design flow to program a device

Note: The H.264 I-Frame Encoder Encrypted IP is Licensed. If the license is not available, the TCL generates the design with an Evaluation license which expires after an hour’s use on the hardware. So, the streaming stops after an hour

Arguments supported

Below arguments are supported to modify or configure aspects of the design flow that will be run. Supported arguments are:

Argument Description
HSS_UPDATE Downloads the HSS release hex file associated with this release of the reference design.
The hex file is added as an eNVM client in Libero.
This argument requires wget to be installed.
This is installed by default on most Linux systems, on Windows® wget (version 1.14 or above)
should be installed and added to the system path, steps are shown in the following guide
SYNTHESIZE Runs the synthesis step after design generation has completed
PLACEROUTE Runs the synthesis and place and route steps after design generation has completed
VERIFY_TIMING Runs the synthesis, place and route and timing verification steps after design generation has completed
GENERATE_PROGRAMMING_DATA Generates the files required to generate a bitstream for programming a device
PROGRAM Runs the full design flow after generating a design and programs a connected device.
Note: the device must be connected when the "Run PROGRAM Action" stage of the design flow is reached and only one device should be connected
EXPORT_FPE Runs the full design flow after generating a design and exports a FlashPro Express file to the local directory
EXPORT_FPE:PATH Runs the full design flow after generating a design and exports a FlashPro Express file to a specified path e.g EXPORT_FPE:/home/user/jobs/
RAW_BAYER This argument can be used to generates new bayer pipeline
Imx334 camera (SRGGB10 format /dev/v4l-subdev0) --> MIPI CSI2 IP (serial data to parallel data /dev/v4l-subdev1) --> Video DMA IP (/dev/video0)
H264_MM This argument can be used to generates modular H264 pipeline
Camera → MIPI → GVPC (Mono2RGB) → Image-Enhancement → Scaler → OSD → GVPC (RGB2YUV420) → H.264 → Video-Capture (/dev/video0)

Programming the FPGA

Once the script has completed the design can be configured further if needed and the Libero SoC design flow can be run by double clicking on a stage in the design flow on the left hand side of Libero. Selecting an option requiring previous steps to be completed will run the full flow, i.e double clicking "Run Program Action" will run any required steps, such as, "Synthesize", "Place and Route", etc and then program the device.

Board configuration

Setting up the jumpers on the PolarFire SoC Video Kit, refer to the Video Kit user's guide. The latest Linux images for the PolarFire SoC Video Kit are available from the releases section of the Meta PolarFire SoC Yocto BSP repository.

MSS Configuration

The Microprocessor Subsystem (MSS) is configured using the PolarFire SoC MSS Configurator. This software tool takes user inputs and generates an MSS configuration file (.xml) along with an MSS component file (.cxz). The XML file is used by the PolarFire SoC Configuration Generator to generate configuration header files for bare metal applications. The MSS component file can be imported into a Libero SoC design and used in the FPGA design flow.

A saved configuration for the PolarFire SoC MSS Configurator is available in the "script_support" folder and can be opened by the PolarFire SoC MSS Configurator. These configurations will match the MSS configuration used in the design and can be used to regenerate XML and a Libero component. For argument based designs, MSS configuration files will be generated in the script_support/MSS_VIDEO_KIT/[configuration name] directory when a design is generated.


The Microcontroller Subsystem (MSS) configuration is captured in an XML file that is then used by the PolarFire SoC Configuration Generator to generate configuration header files. These header files are compiled as part of the MPFS HAL startup code to configure the system at power on.

XML generated for all available configurations is provided in the "XML" folder.

Setting the boot mode and programming the eNVM

Boot mode 0

Boot mode 0 will put all of the MSS cores into WFI (Wait For Interrupt) mode on power on, the cores will not boot until debugged. SoftConsole v6.5 or later can be used to set the PolarFire SoC boot mode to 0:

  1. Connect the board to the PC using the embedded FlashPro6 or an external FlashPro and power on the board
  2. In SoftConsole select the "External Tool" drop down menu
  3. Select the "PolarFire SoC idle boot mode 0" configuration and run

Boot mode 1

Boot mode 1 configures all of the MSS cores to boot from the eNVM, when setting the boot mode to 1 an eNVM client must also be provided An eNVM client can be a zero stage boot loader, such as the HSS, or a bare metal application. SoftConsole v6.4 and above or Libero SoC v12.6 and above can be used to set the boot mode and program the eNVM.

Build the bare metal application using the reference XML provided to configure the MPFS HAL (XML will also be generated in the script_support/components/[target] folder when an MSS component is generated as part of the flow).

Boot mode 1: SoftConsole

To set the PolarFire SoC boot mode to 1 and program an eNVM client in SoftConsole:

  1. Select the project folder of the application to be used as an eNVM client in the project explorer
  2. Connect the board to the PC using the embedded FlashPro6 or an external FlashPro and power on the board
  3. In SoftConsole select the "External Tool" drop down menu
  4. Select the "PolarFire SoC non-secure boot mode 1" configuration and run

Boot mode 1: Libero SoC

To set the PolarFire SoC boot mode to 1 and program and eNVM client in Libero:

  1. Run the Libero SoC design flow so that "Generate FPGA Array Data" has completed and open the "Configure Design Initialization Data and Memories" tool
  2. Select the "eNVM" tab
  3. Select the "Add ..." option and select "Add Boot Mode 1" client
  4. Navigate to the binary file to be used as a client and select ok
  5. Save and add the client
  6. Run the remainder of the Libero SoC design flow and program the device

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