infinitered / ignite

Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! 9 years of continuous development and counting.
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An issue loading the app on IOS simulator. This happens on a fresh install of both ignite 6 and 7 #1693

Closed aimensasi closed 3 years ago

aimensasi commented 3 years ago

What's going on?

An issue loading the app on IOS simulator. This happens on a fresh install of both ignite 6 and 7

Steps to reproduce

  1. npx ignite-cli new PizzaApp --expo
  2. expo start
  3. Then open in IOS simulator

ignite doctor results:

  platform           darwin                                                           
  arch               x64                                                              
  cpu                8 cores       Apple M1                                           
  directory          MasterClass   /Users/username/Sites/Code/React/MasterClass 

JavaScript (and globally-installed packages)
  node                 14.15.4      /usr/local/bin/node 
  npm                  6.14.10      /usr/local/bin/npm  
    @adonisjs/cli      4.0.13                           
    @expo/ngrok        2.4.3                            
    expo-cli           4.2.1                            
    ngrok              2.2.3                            
    react-native-cli   2.0.1                            
    react-viro-cli     2.17.1                           
    truffle            5.3.0                            
  yarn                 -            not installed       

  ignite-cli         7.0.0        /Users/username/.npm/_npx/2500/bin/ignite                        
  ignite src         build        /Users/username/.npm/_npx/2500/lib/node_modules/ignite-cli/build 

  java               1.8.0_282    /usr/bin/java                             
  android home       -            /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk 

  xcode              12.5       
  cocoapods          1.10.1       /usr/local/bin/pod 
Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 6 16 38 PM Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 6 16 51 PM
MadhavNasit commented 3 years ago

+1 Issue on Macbook M1 with non expo app too.

aimensasi commented 3 years ago

You can try to run npm dedupe, It helped me with the issue

MadhavNasit commented 3 years ago

You can try to run npm dedupe, It helped me with the issue

Still app stuck on splash screen on ios simulator, while working fine on android.

aimensasi commented 3 years ago

try cloning this repo, and see if it works on your device. make sure to npm install before running.

joeyfigaro commented 3 years ago

@aimensasi looks like that link is no longer working