infinitered / ignite

Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more!
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Ignite - the battle-tested React Native boilerplate

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Proven React Native boilerplate

The culmination of over seven years of constant React Native development, Ignite is the most popular React Native app boilerplate for both Expo and bare React Native.

This is the React Native boilerplate that the Infinite Red team uses on a day-to-day basis to build client apps. Developers who use Ignite report that it saves them two to four weeks of time on average off the beginning of their React Native project!

Intro Videos

Full Documentation

We've put great effort into the documentation as a team, please read through it here. If you're unsure why a certain decision was made related to this boilerplate or how to proceed with a particular feature, it's likely documented. If it still isn't clear, go through the proper help channels and we always welcome PRs to improve the docs!

Tech Stack

Nothing makes it into Ignite unless it's been proven on projects that Infinite Red works on. Ignite apps include the following rock-solid technical decisions out of the box:

Library Category Version Description
React Native Mobile Framework v0.74 The best cross-platform mobile framework
React UI Framework v18 The most popular UI framework in the world
TypeScript Language v5 Static typechecking
React Navigation Navigation v6 Performant and consistent navigation framework
MobX-State-Tree State Management v5 Observable state tree
MobX-React-Lite React Integration v3 Re-render React performantly
Expo SDK v51 Allows (optional) Expo modules
Expo Font Custom Fonts v12 Import custom fonts
Expo Localization Internationalization v15 i18n support (including RTL!)
Expo Status Bar Status Bar Library v1 Status bar support
RN Reanimated Animations v3 Beautiful and performant animations
AsyncStorage Persistence v1 State persistence
apisauce REST client v2 Communicate with back-end
Reactotron RN Inspector/Debugger v3 JS debugging
Hermes JS engine Fine-tuned JS engine for RN
Jest Test Runner v26 Standard test runner for JS apps
Maestro Testing Framework Automate end-to-end UI testing
date-fns Date library v2 Excellent date library
FlashList FlatList replacement v1 A performant drop-in replacement for FlatList

Ignite also comes with a component library that is tuned for custom designs, theming support, testing, custom fonts, generators, and much, much more.

Quick Start


The Ignite CLI will walk you through the steps to ignite a new React Native app:

# Get walked through the prompts for the different options to start your new app
npx ignite-cli@latest new PizzaApp

# Accept all the recommended defaults and get straight to coding!
npx ignite-cli@latest new PizzaApp --yes

Once you're up and running, check out our Getting Started Guide.

If you'd like to follow a tutorial, check out this one from Robin Heinze.


The above commands may fail with various errors, depending on your operating system and dependency versions. Some troubleshooting steps to follow:

Reporting Bugs / Getting Help

If you run into problems, first search the issues and discussions in this repository. If you don't find anything, you can come talk to our friendly and active developers in the Infinite Red Community Slack (

If you still need help after reaching out to the proper channels, feel free to open a new GitHub issue via npx ignite-cli issue "Unable to Ignite new app" (as an example). This will help start writing your issue with the correct diagnostic information included.

Need Inspiration?

If you need battle-tested solutions from Infinite Red experts on everything from Accessibility, to CI/CD configuration, head to Ignite Cookbook for code snippets from our team and the community!

No time to learn React Native? Hire Infinite Red for your next project

We get it – sometimes there just isn’t enough time on a project to learn the ins and outs of a new framework. Infinite Red’s here to help! Our experienced team of React Native engineers have worked with companies like Microsoft, GasBuddy, Zoom, and Mercari to bring some of the most complex React Native projects to life.

Whether it’s running a full project or training a team on React Native, we can help you solve your company’s toughest engineering challenges – and make it a great experience at the same time.

Ready to see how we can work together? Send us a message

Further Reading