A heatmap is a way of viewing three dimensions of data on a two dimensional grid. One way to create them with time series data is to have time on the X axis, the range of values on the Y and the color of at item a (X,Y) to indicate the frequency. Usually a more intense color represents a higher frequency.
This is an example from Brendan Greggs Heat Map script showing disk IO latencies.
What to build
The task is to add a heat map chart to Chronograf.
Some reference material to learn how to build a heatmap can be found here:
A heatmap is a way of viewing three dimensions of data on a two dimensional grid. One way to create them with time series data is to have time on the X axis, the range of values on the Y and the color of at item a (X,Y) to indicate the frequency. Usually a more intense color represents a higher frequency.
This is an example from Brendan Greggs Heat Map script showing disk IO latencies.
What to build
The task is to add a heat map chart to Chronograf.
Some reference material to learn how to build a heatmap can be found here:
I won't be able to attend the hackathon so this issue is up for any team to take.