Thor + Cloud = Thunder
Thunder is a Thor-implemented set of tools for cloud formation.
$ ./thunder config
Supply your credentials as prompted. The output is at ~/.thunder/config . It is yaml, so adjustments can be made easily without running the wizard again. Any empty string values will preserve the previous value.
$ ./thunder # gives a list of commands
$ ./thunder help [COMMAND] # gives description of command
I recommend changing to a different key pair name, especially if there's a chance that you'll conflict with someone.
You'll need ipa-foundation.rb and ipa-foundation-parameters.yaml. If there's a chance of conflict, you ought to also use a different key pair name from "zoo." You'll have to both use different values in the commands below and use a modified ipa-foundation-key-change.yaml.
Create keypair
$ ./thunder keypair create zoo
Change permissions on keypair
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/zoo
Create and wait
$ ./thunder create foo ../foundation/ipa-foundation.rb ../foundation/ipa-foundation-parameters.yaml
$ ./thunder poll events foo -B
At the bell...
$ ./thunder outputs foo | grep Control
...and that's the ip of your Control machine
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/zoo root@IP_OF_CONTROL_MACHINE
./thunder config lets you choose whether you run OpenStack or AWS by default. If you want to change between them, use the -o or -a option, respectively.