infophysics / EntropicTrajectories

The Entropic Trajectories Framework: Many Body QM Simulations and Analysis.
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Entropic Trajectories

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This is the Entropic Trajectories library which is a framework for solving many-body quantum systems. For a the full technical documentation see ... For various papers using the ET framework see ...


The Entropic Trajectories Framework uses many existing packages under the hood. These include the BLAS and LAPACK libraries, which must be installed before cloning this repository. BLAS and LAPACK can be found at,



The ET framework uses a python wrapper called pybind11 in order to generate python bindings.


Installing from PyPI

For 64-bit Linux or Mac systems, instally 'etraj' should just require running:

pip install etraj

You can then test that it works by running the example above.

Installing from source

Requirements: You must have CMake>=2.8.12 and a C++11 compatible compiler (GCC>=4.8) to build.

First, you must check out this repository using the recursive command in order to download the latest versions of the included libraries as well,

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

If the recursive command failed, you can download the main files and simply update the submodules using,

$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Then, once all of the submodules are there, simply run the installer,

$ python install


Python bindings to the Entropic Trajectories library:

import etraj

For more examples on possible calls, please see the tests folder.


Technical implementation

See for information on the developers.


When you use etraj, please say so in your slides or publications (for publications, see Zenodo link above). You can mention this in addition to how you cite EntropicTrajectories. This is important for us being able to get funding to support this project.