inforapid / SPARQL

SPARQL queries for the WikiData endpoint for use with the InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder
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In this project I want to collect useful SPARQL queries for the WikiData endpoint for use with the InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder. Please participate and publish your own favorite SPARQL queries.

SPARQL and the InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder

3D rotating MindMap of SPARQL query result

The following prefixes must be used for SPARQL variables in the KnowledgeBase Builder SELECT statement:

i_ : item
ic_ : item category, the column values are ignored, only the column header is relevant
in_ or i_XXXLabel or ic_XXXLabel: item name
id_ or i_XXXDescription or ic_XXXDescription: item description
iu_ : item url
ii_ : item image
idi_ : item description image
rn_ : relation name
rn_t_ : relation name for a table relation
rc_ : relation category

The columns in the SELECT statement must have the following order (the values in round brackets are optional)

?i_item1 (?ic_item1) (?in_item1) (?id_item1) (?iu_item1) (?ii_item1) (?rn_relation1) (?rc_relation1) ?i_item2 (?ic_item2) ... (?rn_relation2) (?i_item3) ...

This SELECT statement connects item1 through relation1 with item2 and through relation 2 with item3

One result row can connect item1 with any number of other items

A line starting with the comment #query can be used to separte many queries

Tips for SPARQL queries

SPARQL code snippets for use with the InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder

Convert an url so that it opens inplace in the KnowledgeBase Builder:

BIND (CONCAT (STR (?url), "§if") AS ?iu_url).

Create an url which links ?i_place to its position in Google Maps

OPTIONAL { ?i_place p:P625 ?statement.
  ?statement psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
  ?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat.
  ?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?long.
  BIND (CONCAT ("", STR(?lat), ",", STR(?long), "§if") AS ?iu_url).

Query the Wikipedia url for i_item

OPTIONAL { ?iu_wikipedia_url schema:about ?i_item; schema:isPartOf <> }

Find all places within a given radius around a central location

?centerPlace wdt:P625 ?centerLoc.
SERVICE wikibase:around {
  ?i_place wdt:P625 ?location. # the first statement must include the place and the location
  bd:serviceParam wikibase:center ?centerLoc.
  bd:serviceParam wikibase:radius "10". # maximum distance in kilometers
  bd:serviceParam wikibase:distance ?dist. # current distance in kilometers

Calculate the distance between two locations

BIND (geof:distance (?location1, ?location2) AS ?dist).

Round the distance with a precision of 10 meters and add the unit m

BIND (CONCAT (xsd:string (xsd:integer (CEIL (100 * ?dist) * 10)), " m") AS ?rounded_dist_in_m).

item1 is connected to item2 through property, get the propertyName (SELECT propertyNameLabel)

?item1 ?property ?item2.
OPTIONAL { ?propertyName wikibase:directClaim ?property. }

Get the image to an item

OPTIONAL { ?i_item wdt:P18 ?ii_itemImage. }

Get Date of Birth / Date of Death / Place of Birth / Place of Death for a person

OPTIONAL { ?i_person wdt:P569 ?ic_DateOfBirth. }
OPTIONAL { ?rn_t_DateOfBirth wikibase:directClaim wdt:P569. }
OPTIONAL { ?i_person wdt:P570 ?ic_DateOfDeath. }
OPTIONAL { ?rn_t_DateOfDeath wikibase:directClaim wdt:P570. }
OPTIONAL { ?i_person wdt:P19 ?ic_PlaceOfBirth. }
OPTIONAL { ?rn_t_PlaceOfBirth wikibase:directClaim wdt:P19. }
OPTIONAL { ?i_person wdt:P20 ?ic_PlaceOfDeath. }
OPTIONAL { ?rn_t_PlaceOfDeath wikibase:directClaim wdt:P20. }

Define a constant

VALUES (?item) {(wd:Q138809)}