informalsystems / cosmwasm-to-quint

Semi-automated modelling and Model-Based Testing for CosmWasm contracts
Apache License 2.0
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cosmwasm model-based-testing

CoswmWasm to Quint

*Semi-automated modelling and Model-Based Testing for [CosmWasm]( contracts.* 1. Generate [Quint]( model stubs for a contract, and only worry about specifying the important bits - the entrypoints. 2. Generate tests to check that the model corresponds to the implementation by attempting to reproduce traces. Quint provides powerful and friendly simulation and verification tools, but first you need a model. This project **speeds up** the process of getting a model for CosmWasm contracts. And, as a bonus, you can get as many integration tests as you want, including tests to specific scenarios you deem important, through **generated Model-Based tests**. This can be used to find bugs using the Quint tools and then getting them reproduced in the real implementation with a generated test. For a better understanding of how this whole process works, take a look at our [AwesomWasm 2024 Workshop material]( ## Is this ready to be used? Yes! Even though this tool is a prototype, it will make the best attempt to generate as much as it can. It adds placeholders like `` to parts it can't translate, which you then have to replace manually. But it is definitely better than writing everything from scratch! See section [Known Limitations](#known-limitations) for problems to expect. ## Examples If you want to see examples of generated code without running the tool yourself, take a look at the [`tests/snapshots` folder]( We use [Oak Security's Capture the Flag challenges]( as tests, and these snapshots contain both the model stubs and rust tests generated for each Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge. For a more detailed example, checkout this [walk-through]( of the entire process, from git clone to reproducing the bug, for CTF-01. ## Setup and generation This project is implemented as a rust compiler plugin, in order to easily access everything it needs from your CosmWasm contract. Because of that, we need a couple extra steps in our setup, which in overview looks like this: 1. Install this tool 2. Use the nightly version of the rust compiler 3. Update your project's dependencies 4. Run the tool See detailed instructions below. ### Installation To compile and install this project, clone this repo and run: ```bash # Install the cosmwasm-to-quint binaries cargo install --path . ``` ### Setup Running this tool for a CosmWasm contracts requires a simple `cargo` command, but you need to set some things up first. 1. Go to the directory of your CosmWasm project ``` bash cd /path/to/my-cosmwasm-project ``` 2. Setup `rustup` to use a `nightly` version compatible with compiler plugin libraries, and add the necessary components and target. **Important**: You also need to update your project dependencies (`cargo update`) to match the new tool chain, otherwise compilation will likely fail: ``` bash # Install and use a nightly version rustup toolchain add nightly-2024-01-06 rustup override set nightly-2024-01-06 # Add components and target rustup component add clippy rust-src rustc-dev llvm-tools-preview rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown # Update dependencies on Cargo.lock to match the new tool chain cargo update ``` ### Generating the files Since the translation is called by compiler callbacks, you need to make sure that the compiler is actually called. For that, remove any previous compilation results by calling `cargo clean` before executing this project's binary by calling `cargo cosmwasm-to-quint` ``` bash cargo clean && cargo cosmwasm-to-quint ``` ### Running the generated tests 1. In order to run the generated tests, you'll need to add some dependencies: ```bash cargo add cw-multi-test@0.16.2 --dev cargo add itf@0.2.4 --dev cargo add anyhow@1.0.83 --dev cargo add num-bigint@0.4.4 --dev cargo add num-traits@0.2.17 --dev ``` 2. The tests also require a trace. By default, it will look for the `quint/test.itf.json` file, but you can change this path in the test file. The trace is some execution from the Quint model, which the test will attempt to reproduce in your contract. You should always use the `--mbt` flag to tell Quint to include test-relevant information to the trace (this option is available from Quint `v0.20.0`). There are a number of ways to obtain a trace, but the simplest one is: ``` bash quint run quint/my_model.qnt --mbt --out-itf=quint/test.itf.json ``` Alternatively, if you have an invariant that is being violated in the model and want to reproduce a counterexample of that invariant in the contract, simply provide the invariant to the command: ``` bash quint run quint/my_model.qnt --mbt --out-itf=quint/test.itf.json --invariant=my_invariant ``` You can also use this to obtain interesting traces. Say you want a test where Alice spends all of her ATOMs. You can write an invariant like `balances.get("Alice").get("ATOM") > 0` and then use it to obtain a trace violating that invariant. 3. Run the tests: ``` bash cargo test ``` ## Known limitations - **Imports from different crates**: this is something we want to support, but it is not trivial. Right now, if your contract crate imports core data structures or other items that are necessary for the generation, you'll have unresolved names and placeholders to fill for each of them. Of course, this doesn't apply to common imports from `cosmwasm_std` which are already dealt with. - **Multiple contract interactions**: this is probably the next important step for this project, but we are not there yet. If you need to model and test interactions between multiple contracts, you will need to do a lot of the wiring manually. Fortunately, we believe it is possible to automate this, so let us know if this would be useful for your project! ## Troubleshooting 1. I see an "unknown feature `proc_macro_span_shrink`" error You probably forgot to run `cargo update` after switching the tool chain 2. Running `cargo cosmwasm-to-quint` exits immediately and doesn't produce/update any files You probably forgot to run `cargo clean` before running the command 3. I'm getting duplicated definitions for a bunch of things Make sure you have **not** added a generated test file to your contract's crate somehow. If you do that, this tool will read the test file as it was part of your contract and, therefore, generate duplicated items.