informatics-lab / weather-bot

Met Office prototype chat bot to talk about all things weather & climate related
1 stars 1 forks source link
bot-framework chat-bot luis weather-app


Met Office prototype chat bot to talk about all things weather & climate related.
Built using Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS


If you don't already have it, get the bot emulator app


To run this app you will need a JSON credentials file called secrets.json in the root of the application with the following keys:

  "NAME": "Bob",
  "PERSONA": "default",
  "DEPLOY_DT": "2017-08-08T00:00:00.000Z",

  "PORT": 3978,
  "DEBUG_TOOLS": true,
  "LOG_LEVEL": "debug",


  "MICROSOFT_APP_ID": "...",




  "SENTRY_APP_ID": "..."


Using node version 7.10.0
npm install
npm start


On redeployment of the app ensure the DEPLOY_DT property is updated in the secrets file to clear users conversational states.


Connect your bot emulator app to your locally running instance.
URI : http://localhost:3978/api/messages
Locale : en-GB

To read/delete data collected within a chat session use:

Command Result
/dAllData Delete all data
/sConversationData Show all conversationData data
/dConversationData Delete all conversationData data
/sUserData Show all userData data
/dUserData Delete all userData data

Auto testing

For examples see src/test.

To run:

npm run test

To debug tests:

node node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -u tdd --timeout 4000 --colors src/test/main

For more tips see Bot Tester for Bot Builder Framework
