infovote-io / dashboard
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What do we need to know before voting? Info Vote is an interactive web application to visualize the growth of Real Disposable Income (RDI) of the United States. It retrieves data from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) API and provides insightful plots to explore the changes in personal income over time.



Yearly Plot Cumulative Plot (%) Cumulative Plot ($)


To run the RDI Growth Shiny App locally, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have R and RStudio installed on your system: (
  2. Download RTools: (
  3. Reboot?
  4. RStudio: Open R File "EndBias_V6_RLH.R" (Figure I) or "DashBoard_V3" (Dashboard)
  5. Run Code: Select All (Ctrl + Enter)