infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib

Librairie Infrastructure Géomatique Ouverte 2.0 (IGO-2) / Open GIS Infrastructure 2.0 Library
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Fail to load translations #1004

Closed cbourget closed 1 year ago

cbourget commented 2 years ago

Please tell us about your environment:


Our app has its own translations as defined in its JSON config.

"language": {
   "prefix": ["./locale/"]

Upon loading the app, a bunch of errors are thrown and all our translations aren't loaded. It appears that the issue is one of circular dependency and the order in which they are resolved.


Here's the dependency schema of the services involved.

As you can see, there is a circular dependency between the language service and the config service. Also, when TranslateLoader reads the translation path from ConfigService, there is no guarantee that the JSON config has been loaded. In fact, in our case, it's not loaded and this is precisely what causes the missing translation issue.

Solution (part 1)

To circumvent this issue, we added an APP_INITIALIZER in our app that makes sure the config is loaded before LanguageService and TranslateLoader. TranslateLoader is also forced to load the translation files. Here's a snippet of our code:

import {
} from '@angular/core';

import {
} from '@igo2/core';

export let CONFIG_LOADER = new InjectionToken<Promise<ConfigService>>('Config Loader');

function configLoader(
  configService: ConfigService,
  configOptions: ConfigOptions,
): Promise<unknown> {
  const promiseOrTrue = configService.load(configOptions);
  if (promiseOrTrue instanceof Promise) {
    return promiseOrTrue;
  return Promise.resolve();

function appInitializerFactory(
  configLoader: Promise<unknown>,
  languageService: LanguageService,
) {
  return () => new Promise<any>((resolve: any) => {
    configLoader.then(() => {
      const promises = [
      Promise.all(promises).then(() => resolve());

const providers: Provider[] = [
    provide: CONFIG_LOADER,
    useFactory: configLoader,
    deps: [ConfigService, CONFIG_OPTIONS],
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
    useFactory: appInitializerFactory,
    deps: [CONFIG_LOADER, LanguageService],
    multi: true

  imports: [
  declarations: [],
  exports: [
export class FadqLibCoreModule {
  static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<FadqLibCoreModule> {
    return {
      ngModule: FadqLibCoreModule,
      providers: providers

This solution works but it raises another issue: Since TranslateLoader requires HTTP_INTERCEPTORS (ErrorInterceptor), MessageService and ToastrService are also loaded. Upon loading, ToastrService tries to attach its container to the app component but it doesn't exist yet since all of this is happening during the app initialization (APP_INITIALIZER hook). This raises the following issue:

TypeError: this._appRef.attachView is not a function at URe.attachComponentPortal

The toastr is now broken and no message will ever show up.

Solution (part 2)

I think it would be a good idea to revisit the dependency schema and make sure everything is loaded in a predictable order but, for now, we're content with our solution.

We still need to fix the toastr issue but there's actually a quite simple fix that can be done in message.service.ts. It is to use the injector to inject toastr when it's needed, instead of injecting it in the constructor. I will provide a PR for this.

pelord commented 2 years ago

@cbourget . In a future PR (PWA app) , I will add an APP_INITIALIZER for translation. At this moment, your injector will not be useful anymore! Am I right?

cbourget commented 2 years ago

The APP_INITIALIZER would need to make sure that the config is loaded. If it does, maybe the one in our app will become redundant. I'll get back to it when your PR is merged and we upgrade the lib version. Thanks for the heads-up.

pelord commented 2 years ago

After all, my APP_INITIALIZER would be inside the igo2 project. Not inside the igo2-lib. It's alright for you?

cbourget commented 2 years ago

Yes it's ok. I think it would be a good idea to consolidate the app initialization in the library to make sure everything is initialized correctly and in a predictable order (the config being the main culprit) but, for us, this is not blocking with the workaround we've used above.

pelord commented 2 years ago

@cbourget you could take a look to

cbourget commented 2 years ago

You want me to look at the APP_INITIALIZER specifically?

pelord commented 1 year ago

@cbourget How did you get this dependency schema ?

cbourget commented 1 year ago

I produced it manually by going through the code. I don't know if it's still valid because a lot has changed in the mean time.

pelord commented 1 year ago

Thanks! In the next branch, the issue is randomly generated... I've tried to add an appinitializer into the core module, with no effects...

pelord commented 1 year ago

I will take a look to this

cbourget commented 1 year ago

I had an issue in the most recent update as well. Basically, the issue stems from the fact that languageService.translate.getTranslation now returns an observable instead of a promise. The code in my first comment is still valid but we need to ensure that we're returning a promise. Here's how we did it:

import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs';

function appInitializerFactory(
  configLoader: Promise<unknown>,
  languageService: LanguageService,
) {
  return () => new Promise<any>((resolve: any) => {
    configLoader.then(() => {
      const language = languageService.getLanguage();
      const promises = [
      Promise.all(promises).then(() => resolve());

You can replace the appInitializerFactory in my first comment with this one.

pelord commented 1 year ago

seem to be solved in 1.15 release