infra-geo-ouverte / igo2-lib

Librairie Infrastructure Géomatique Ouverte 2.0 (IGO-2) / Open GIS Infrastructure 2.0 Library
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IGO2 Library

This repository is home to the IGO2 Library on which IGO2 is built. IGO2 and this library are open source projects using Angular, Angular Material and OpenLayers. While IGO2 is mapping oriented, this library can easily serve other purposes as it contains many components and services that may benefit any web application.


IGO2 library is divided into several elements:


User Installation

The latest release of IGO2 Library can be used and installed from npm.

Example: npm install --save @igo2/core npm install --save @igo2/common

For developers

Developer Installation


IGO2 version Node version
>= 16.x >= 18.10.0
>= 1.15.x >= 16.19.x
>= 1.13.x >= 14, <= 16
1.5.x >= 12, <= 14
< 1.5.x >= 8, <= 11
0.x.x >= 6, <= 10

If you want to develop in IGO2 Library, it can be installed by:

  1. Clone current repository: using git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder igo2-lib : cd igo2-lib/
  3. Install dependencies by running npm install
  4. Build librairies: npm run build.libs
  5. Start form npm npm start.demo (or you can run the VsCode config (Launch Demo))
  6. Open your browser at http://localhost:4200/


Run npm run build.libs to build the whole project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running tests

Run npm run test.libs to execute the tests