ini17 / Micro-expression-recognition-by-fusing-Action-Unit-detection-and-spatio-temporal-features

Codes for our paper -- Micro-expression recognition by fusing Action Unit detection and spatio-temporal features.
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Micro-expression Recognition by Fusing AU Detection and Spatio-temporal Features


This repo contains all the code needed to reproduce the results of this paper - "Micro-expression Recognition by Fusing AU Detection and Spatio-temporal Features" - [paper]. It mainly includes two parts of codes, one is Matlab codes, and the other is Python codes.

Installation for Python


# Install requirement
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Download landmarks weight for DLIB
$ mkdir -p PythonCodes/dataloader/weight
$ wget -P dataloader/weight
$ bzip2 -d PythonCodes/dataloader/weight/mmod_human_face_detector.dat.bz2
$ wget -P dataloader/weight
$ bzip2 -d PythonCodes/dataloader/weight/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2

Instructions for use

In general, this paper conducts end-to-end MER model training on the public datasets, which is divided into the following steps.

  1. Video interpolation is performed for each ME sample (with Python codes).
  2. Motion magnification on interpolated frames (with Matlab codes).
  3. Optical flow extraction between amplified motion differences (with Matlab codes).
  4. Preprocessing (with Python codes): Extract a specified number of ROIs for the optical flow map; and process the original ME sample, convert it to the corresponding data format for subsequent AU detection.
  5. End-to-end training is based on the above ROIs data and AU data (with Python codes).

Since there are many data files involved, the data path needs to be carefully modified according to the comments.

DLIB with GPU (not necessary)

# Remove the cpu version first
$ pip uninstall dlib
# Install cudnn and its toolkit
$ conda install cudnn cudatoolkit
# Build from source
$ git clone
$ cd dlib
$ mkdir build & cd build
$ cmake .. \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to  conda env>\
$ cmake --build .
$ cd ..
$ python install \
    --set DLIB_USE_CUDA=1 \
    --set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to  conda env>  \
    --set CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-6 \
    --set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-

Pretrained models


The RIFE (Real-time Intermediate Flow Estimation) model is used in the video interpolation step, and the required model is included in this repo due to its small size.


The structure of MagNet was adapted from here. Download the pra-trained models, place it in the appropriate directory, and modify the path in to use it for data preprocessing.



usage: [-h] --csv_path CSV_PATH --mat_dir mat_dir --au_dir AU_FILE
                --catego CATEGO [--num_classes NUM_CLASSES]
                [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                [--weight_save_path WEIGHT_SAVE_PATH] [--epochs EPOCHS]
                [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv_path CSV_PATH   Path for the csv file for training data
  --mat_dir mat_dir     Root for the training images
  --au_dir AU_FILE      Files root for npz
  --catego CATEGO       SAMM or CASME dataset
  --num_classes NUM_CLASSES
                        Classes to be trained
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Training batch size
  --weight_save_path WEIGHT_SAVE_PATH
                        Path for the saving weight
  --epochs EPOCHS       Epochs for training the model
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate for training the model


  title={Micro-expression recognition by fusing action unit detection and Spatio-temporal features},
  author={Wang, Lei and Huang, Pinyi and Cai, Wangyang and Liu, Xiyao},
  booktitle={ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},