initiativets / handbook

This is intended as the handbook for new and old members alike of Initiativet, the Swedish political party.
MIT License
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Initiativet Handbook

README not updated

This Project was forked from Gatsby Advanced Starter

A starter skeleton with advanced features for Gatsby.

Developed for creating Documentation or Tutorial websites.


This template provides everything but the content. You could just write all your lessons in markdown files, configure a few lines of code, and have a completely built documentation website.


Updated 3/17/18

This requires more upfront work, but I've found it to be infinitely better when your page count gets high. It's easier to move things around and have the ToC just work.

For a more complicated example, you can look at the repo for the site I built this for: Flutter By Example/



New Features


These are the features from Gatsby Advanced Starter, which remain:


Ruben Harutyunyan did most of the hard work with Gatsby Advanced Starter. The rest of the credit is due to Gatsby.

WARNING: Make sure to edit static/robots.txt to include your domain for the sitemap!