innoTUgrid / backend

backend services for a microgrid data API
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Backend services for innoTUgrid

The backend consists of multiple independent services each providing different functionality.

how to run this code (docker)

Remove any existing containers and volumes:

docker compose down -v

Pull our prebuilt image from

docker compose pull

Run the containers:

docker compose up -d

how to run this code locally

  1. start the container running the database detached from the terminal

    docker compose up -d db
  2. if running it for the first time or after recreating the database ...

  3. then: docker compose up -d

drop database e.g. in case initial data has been updated and needs to reinitialize (see step 2. above)

  1. remove the database container

    docker compose down db -v
  2. then start the database container detached from the terminal

    docker compose up db -d
  3. then run the initialization script


finally check ping endpoint in terminal ...

curl -X GET localhost:3000

... or call it via a browser and remember to stay caffeinated ;-)


optionally access the database to run SQL queries directly

  1. access the database container
    docker exec -it timescaledb bash
  2. log into database (replace environemnt variables with parameters found in .env file)

check API documentation

Open the documentation/inno2grid_api_documentation.yaml using the Online Swagger Editor. If you want to run API calls from Swagger you might need to run it locally. Follow the Swagger Docs to set up a localhost using Docker.