KubeFire is to create and manage Kubernetes clusters running on FireCracker microVMs via weaveworks/ignite.
For official releases, please install the latest release via the below command or use huber
curl -sfSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/innobead/kubefire/master/hack/install-release-kubefire.sh | bash
huber install kubefire
For development purpose, please make sure go 1.14 installed, then build and install kubefire
in the GOBIN
make install
Running below commands is to quickly have a cluster deployed by kubeadm running in minutes.
kubefire install
kubefire cluster create demo
To be able to run kubefire commands w/o issues like node/cluster management, there are some prerequisites to have.
Please run kubefire install
command with root permission (or sudo without password) to install or update these prerequisites via the below steps.
- To uninstall the prerequisites, run
kubefire uninstall
.- To check the installation status, run
kubefire info
cluster create
provides detailed options to configure the cluster, but it also provides --config
to accept a cluster configuration file to bootstrap the cluster as below commands.
❯ kubefire cluster create -h
Creates cluster
kubefire cluster create [name] [flags]
-b, --bootstrapper string Bootstrapper type, options: [kubeadm, k3s, rke2, k0s] (default "kubeadm")
-c, --config string Cluster configuration file (ex: use 'config-template' command to generate the default cluster config)
-o, --extra-options string Extra options (ex: key=value,...) for bootstrapper
-f, --force Force to recreate if the cluster exists
-h, --help help for create
-i, --image string Rootfs container image (default "ghcr.io/innobead/kubefire-opensuse-leap:15.2")
--kernel-args string Kernel arguments (default "console=ttyS0 reboot=k panic=1 pci=off ip=dhcp security=apparmor apparmor=1")
--kernel-image string Kernel container image (default "ghcr.io/innobead/kubefire-ignite-kernel:4.19.125-amd64")
--master-count int Count of master node (default 1)
--master-cpu int CPUs of master node (default 2)
--master-memory string Memory of master node (default "2GB")
--master-size string Disk size of master node (default "10GB")
--no-cache Forget caches
--no-start Don't start nodes
-k, --pubkey string Public key
-v, --version string Version of Kubernetes supported by bootstrapper (ex: v1.18, v1.18.8, empty)
--worker-count int Count of worker node
--worker-cpu int CPUs of worker node (default 2)
--worker-memory string Memory of worker node (default "2GB")
--worker-size string Disk size of worker node (default "10GB")
Global Flags:
-l, --log-level string log level, options: [panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace] (default "info")
# Geneate a cluster template configuration, then update the config as per your needs
❯ kubefire cluster config-template > cluster.yaml
❯ cat cluster.yaml
name: ""
bootstrapper: kubeadm
pubkey: ""
prikey: ""
version: ""
image: ghcr.io/innobead/kubefire-opensuse-leap:15.2
kernel_image: ghcr.io/innobead/kubefire-ignite-kernel:4.19.125-amd64
kernel_args: console=ttyS0 reboot=k panic=1 pci=off ip=dhcp security=apparmor apparmor=1
extra_options: {}
deployed: false
count: 1
memory: 2GB
cpus: 2
disk_size: 10GB
count: 0
memory: 2GB
cpus: 2
disk_size: 10GB
# Create a cluster with the config file
❯ kubeifre cluster create demo --config=cluster.yaml
# Create a cluster with the latest versions w/o any specified version
❯ kubefire cluster create demo
# Create a cluster with the latest patch version of v1.18
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --version=v1.18
# Create a cluster with a valid specific version v1.18.8
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --version=v1.18.8
# Create a cluster with the latest patch version of supported minor releases
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --version=v1.17
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --version=v1.16
# If the version is outside the supported versions (last 3 minor versions given the latest is v1.18), the cluster creation will be not supported
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --version=v1.15
Supports the latest supported version and last 3 minor versions.
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=kubeadm
To add extra deployment options of the control plane components, use --extra-options
of cluster create
command to provide init_options
, api_server_options
, controller_manager_options
or scheduler_options
key-value pairs as the below example.
Note: the key-value pairs in
are separated by comma.
kubeadm init
into init_options='<option>,...'
.API Server
into api_server_options='<option>,...'
.Controller Manager
into controller_manager_options='<option>,...'
into scheduler_options='<option>,...'
.❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=kubeadm --extra-options="init_options='--service-dns-domain=yourcluster.local' api_server_options='--audit-log-maxage=10'"
Supports the latest supported version and last 3 minor versions.
Please note that K3s only officially supports Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, the kernel versions of which are 4.4 and 4.15.
Therefore, if using the prebuilt kernels, please use 4.19
(which is the default kernel used) instead of 5.4
, otherwise there will be some unexpected errors happening.
For rootfs, it's no problem to use other non-Ubuntu images.
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=k3s
From 0.3.0, it's able to deploy K3s cluster on ARM64 architecture.
Notes: K3s supported only, and Kubeadm will be planned to support in the future.
To add extra deployment options of the server or agent nodes, use --extra-options
of cluster create
command to provide server_install_options
or agent_install_options
key-value pairs as the below example.
Note: the key-value pairs in
are separated by a comma.
k3s server
into server_install_options='<k3s server option>,...'
.k3s agent
into agent_install_options='<k3s agent option>,...'
.❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=k3s --extra-options="server_install_options='--disable=traefik,--disable=metrics-server'"
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=rke2
To add extra deployment options of the RKE2 cluster, use --extra-options
of cluster create
command to provide the below options as key-value pairs.
Note: the key-value pairs in
are separated by a comma.
rke2 server
into server_install_options='<rke2 server option>,...'
.rke2 agent
into agent_install_options='<rke2 agent option>,...'
.❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=rke2 --extra-options="server_install_options='--node-label=label1,--node-taint=key=value:NoSchedule'"
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=k0s
To add extra deployment options of the K0s cluster, use --extra-options
of cluster create
command to provide the below options as key-value pairs.
Note: the key-value pairs in
are separated by a comma.
k0s server
into server_install_options='<k0s server option>,...'
k0s worker
into worker_install_options='<k0s worker option>,...'
into cluster_config_file='<k0s customized cluster.yaml>,...'
❯ kubefire cluster create demo --bootstrapper=k0s --extra-options="server_install_options='--debug' cluster_config_file=/tmp/cluster.yaml"
During bootstrapping, the cluster folder is created at ~/.kubefire/clusters/<cluster name>
. After bootstrapping, there are several files generated in the folder.
The kubeconfig, downloaded from one of master nodes
The cluster config manifest is for creating the cluster. There is no declarative management based on it for now, but maybe it will be introduced in the future.
key, key.pub
The private and public keys for SSH authentication to all nodes in the cluster.
There are two ways below to operate the deployed cluster. After having a valid KUBECONFIG setup, run kubectl commands as usual.
eval $(kubefire cluster env <cluster name>)
to update KUBECONFIG pointing to ~/.kubefire/clusters/<cluster name>/admin.conf
.kubefire node ssh <master node name>
to ssh to one of master nodes, then update KUBECONFIG pointing to /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
. For K3s, the kubeconfig is /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
instead.Make sure to run kubefire commands with root permission or sudo without password, because ignite needs root permission to manage Firecracker VMs for now, but it is planned to improve in the future release.
❯ kubefire -h
KubeFire, creates and manages Kubernetes clusters using FireCracker microVMs
kubefire [flags]
kubefire [command]
Available Commands:
cache Manages caches
cluster Manages clusters
help Help about any command
image Shows supported RootFS and Kernel images
info Shows info of prerequisites, supported K8s/K3s versions
install Installs or updates prerequisites
kubeconfig Manages kubeconfig of clusters
node Manages nodes
uninstall Uninstalls prerequisites
version Shows version
-h, --help help for kubefire
-l, --log-level string log level, options: [panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace] (default "info")
# Show version
❯ kubefire version
# Show supported RootFS and Kernel images
❯ kubefire image
# Show prerequisites information
❯ kubefire info
# Show supported K8s/K3s versions by builtin bootstrappers
❯ kubefire info -b
# Install or Update prerequisites
❯ kubefire install
# Uninstall prerequisites
❯ kubefire uninstall
# Create a cluster
❯ kubefire cluster create
# Create a cluster w/ a selected version
❯ kubefire cluster create --version=[v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> | v<MAJOR>.<MINOR>]
# Delete clusters
❯ kubefire cluster delete
# Show a cluster info
❯ kubefire cluster show
# Show a cluster config
❯ kubefire cluster config
# Create the default cluster config template
❯ kubefire cluster config-template
# Stop a cluster
❯ kubefire cluster stop
# Start a cluster
❯ kubefire cluster start
# Restart a cluster
❯ kubefire cluster restart
# List clusters
❯ kubefire cluster list
# Print environment variables of cluster (ex: KUBECONFIG)
❯ kubefire cluster env
# Print cluster kubeconfig
❯ kubefire kubeconfig show
# Download cluster kubeconfig
❯ kubefire kubeconfig download
# SSH to a node
❯ kubefire node ssh
# Show a node info
❯ kubefire node show
# Stop a node
❯ kubefire node stop
# Start a node
❯ kubefire node start
# Restart a node
❯ kubefire node restart
# Show cache info
❯ kubefire cache show
# Delete caches
❯ kubefire cache delete
If encountering any unexpected behavior like ignite can't allocate valid IPs to the created VMs. Please try to clean up the environment, then verify again. If the issues still cannot be resolved by environment cleanup, please help create issues.
kubefire unisntall
kubefire install
Besides below prebuilt images, you can also use the images provided by weaveworks/ignite.