innoq / statuses

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Next button increases offset by fixed amount instead of limit #120

Closed tloist closed 9 years ago

tloist commented 9 years ago

Looks like the limit and offset properties are kind of hard coded and not related. If I manually set the limit property to something different (e.g. 100), the next button still only increases the offset by 25. This results in interlaping intervals, say I'm starting at page


which actually means I see the latest 100 statuses. Now I'm hitting the Next Button and land on


which should instead be ...&offset=100 instead, because now I see the statuses no. 25 - 125. This redisplays the last 75 entries I've already seen on the first page.

aheusingfeld commented 9 years ago

In other words: "If you change the parameters manually, your implied assumptions are not met"?! ;)

Just teasing you, I guess we should take care of this. @mvitz can you take care of it?

mvitz commented 9 years ago

I take care of this. But I'm not sure if it should be possible to change the limit from a user's point of view.