innoq / statuses

Apache License 2.0
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Statuses Build Status Open Issues Dependencies Status

Statuses is an experimental, extremely simple-minded microblogging infrastructure for internal use, basically created to have a small yet meaningful Clojure app to play with. Don't expect too much, certainly not something ready for production unless you're mainly interested in fiddling around with stuff.

How to for developers

If you want to run the application from clojure REPL e.g. in IntelliJ IDEA, you can go like this:

This should start the server.


Statuses uses

Note that all these dependencies are fetched automatically when you use lein run for the first time, and are put into the uberjar for deployment.

Design notes


Given its very limited initial requirements at @innoQ (and to support its usability as a self-contained example), the most significant design decision within Statuses is that no database is used. Instead, all of the status updates are kept in memory and are persisted every minute. This works surprisingly well in terms of code simplicity, but will obviously scale only within limits. But if you assume 15k are needed for every 100 status updates, even a million of them would fit in 150MB of JSON (and probably something similar in memory, haven't checked yet).

If scaling problems arise, it's likely going to be because writing the DB to disk takes too long (though even that might be doubtful given today's disk speeds). Should that become a problem, a solution might be to combine the in-memory DB with an event-driven model, where the full memory dump is only written very rarely, but every status update is persisted immediately (essentially a transaction log). The full state could thus be restored from the events stored, adding yet another buzzword and turning this an event-sourcing model. But seeing how far one can get without actually using a "real" database is part of the experiment.

So there are currently no plans to change the db model, even though refactoring the persistence into a Clojure protocol might be reasonable to allow others to implement different backends.


Currently, the structure of the whole program is still very simplistic and should probably be refactored soon. At the moment, code is split across the following namespaces and matching files:


Name URL
JSON containing all updates https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/updates?format=json
RSS feed containing all updates https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/updates?format=atom
JSON containing mentions of a specific user https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/updates?query=@<USERNAME>&format=json
RSS feed containing mentions of a specific user https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/updates?query=@<USERNAME>&format=atom
HTML form to reply to a certain update https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/updates/<ID>/replyform
ServerInfo https://<BASE_URL>/statuses/info

Authentication and Authorization

The application expectes to find remote_user header in the HTTP request. If none is found, the username will be set to "guest".

A user can create new update and delete updates created by himself as long as there are no replies to this update.

Author information and license

Copyright 2012-2014 innoQ Deutschland GmbH. Published under the Apache 2.0 license.