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Need of checked in bootstrap version #93

Closed mvitz closed 9 years ago

mvitz commented 9 years ago

Does anybody need the checked in bootstrap version? Finally bootstrap is included via CDN and the checked in files are never used by statuses.

stilkov commented 9 years ago

I don’t.

FND commented 9 years ago

might as well load jQuery via CDN while you're at it: (or another CDN)

mvitz commented 9 years ago

Currently loaded CSS and JavaScript is:

Type Library Version Path
CSS Twitter Bootstrap 3.2.0
CSS Statuses /statuses/css/statuses.css
JS JQUery 1.11.1
JS Twitter Bootstrap 3.2.0
JS JQuery CharCount 1.0 /statuses/lib/jquery-charCount.js
JS Statuses /statuses/js/statuses.js
tloist commented 9 years ago

In general I prefer to have static files available in case I want to develop the application offline (say: on the train). That's not possible when using CDN only, is it?

WebJars (e.g. Bootstrap) looks promising to me, where you declare the dependencies and have them cached in your local machine (so working offline works if you've started the application at least once).

That doesn't mean you can't use CDN in production later on - but it is a more complex setup, where you suddenly have to consider stages (dev -> local files, prod -> CDN) and propably not worth the extra afford. Decide for yourselves.

aheusingfeld commented 9 years ago

another question would be whether the app would actually benefit from a CDN (neglecting the fact that we/ the app's users are tracked by the CDN)

stilkov commented 9 years ago

After being offline on a flight today, I get @tloist’s point. But it’s possible to develop without the CDN, just a little ugly :-)

Unless someone raises significant resistance, I suggest we switch to the CDN for the public assets.

aheusingfeld commented 9 years ago

Unless someone raises significant resistance, I suggest we switch to the CDN for the public assets.

ehm, we do use CDNs for public assets at the moment! So you suggest to not change anything?!

stilkov commented 9 years ago

Well, yes, except for throwing away any local copies we might have checked in.