innovationOUtside / nbev3devsim

Ev3DevSim ipywidget in Jupyter notebooks
Apache License 2.0
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nbev3devsim packages the Ev3DevSim simulator as an ipywidget for use in Jupyter notebooks.

Click the Binder button to launch a demo:


Install as: pip install nbev3devsim

Launch simulator window as:

from nbev3devsim.load_nbev3devwidget import roboSim, eds

%load_ext nbev3devsim

About ev3devsim

ev3devsim is a "browser based simulator for ev3dev-lang-python" [repo, demo]. The original demostration provides a browser based terminal for writing ev3dev-lang-pyhton code that is then executed in a Javascript based Skulpt Python environment and used to control a simulated robot via a simple 2D simulator implemented using Javascript and HTML canvas elements.

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