input-output-hk / cardano-ledger-byron

A re-implementation of the Cardano ledger layer, replacing the Byron release
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Cardano Ledger

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ATTENTION: this repository has now been merged into cardano-ledger-specs! Please see the code there.

A re-implementation of the Cardano ledger layer, designed to ease transition between the Byron and Shelley eras.

The formal specifications and associated executable specifications can be found in the cardano-ledger-specs repository.

Demo Mainnet Validation

The validate-mainnet package contains an executable that integrates the cardano-ledger validation logic with the cardano-shell application wrapper. It validates mainnet blocks held in the cardano-mainnet-mirror package and demonstrates:

You can run the demo using stack by running

stack build && stack exec validate-mainnet


cardano-ledger can be built using stack, cabal, nix, or a combination.

To use stack or cabal without nix, you first need to make sure you have git, openssl, and zlib installed on your machine. You should do this using a package manager appropriate to your OS. After that you can simply use stack build or cabal new-build.

Alternatively you can use nix to install the external dependencies. For stack simply add the --nix flag to your invocation of stack build. If you're on NixOS this will happen automatically. For cabal, you can run nix-shell to enter a shell with the dependencies, and use cabal new-build as normal from there.

You can build directly with nix, by running nix-build -A libs.cardano-ledger. To run the test executable you must first build it with nix-build -A tests.cardano-ledger.cardano-ledger-test -o cardano-ledger-test and then run it with ./cardano-ledger-test.

Running Specific Tests

The cardano-ledger-test test suite uses tasty, so you can choose to run only some of the tests using the -p flag followed by a pattern. Simple patterns such as foo just check for foo anywhere in the tests name or the name of the groups that hold it. So to run only test for the UTxO you could add -p UTxO. The patterns are actually awk expressions, so you can refer to the tasty documentation to help with more complex pattern matching.

Local Dependencies

The cardano-ledger library depends on other libraries of the input-output-hk organization, whose versions are pinned in the stack.yaml file, e.g.:

  - git:
    commit: ff5fd5f33849be8a826506c34e5b0278f267f804
      - .
      - test

  - git:
    commit: 4d9eec080374179bf15bf9c4fca09cc7d73e5f53
      - crypto
      - crypto/test

Some of these extra dependencies, like cardano-crypto-wrapper above, have their source files in a sub-directory of the cardano-ledger repository. When developing, sometimes it is necessary to modify not only cardano-ledger but also one of these local dependencies. To avoid having to pin local libraries to a specific commit when developing, which allows us to test the changes in a more convenient manner, we recommend using a custom stack configuration file, stack-local.yaml, which specifies that the local dependencies are located in their corresponding sub-folders. For instance, the extra-deps field above, could be modified as follows (in the stack-local.yaml file):

  - ../cardano-prelude # Assuming `cardano-prelude` was checked out one directory above.
  - ../cardano-prelude/test
  - crypto
  - crypto/test

We do not include such stack-local.yaml file here, since it depends on the particular needs of the work being done. Such file would be a copy of the stack.yaml file, with the necessary adaptation. However, we do include a file, which can be used with the same commands and flags that stack supports, e.g.:

./ build

Updating GHC and Package Dependencies

nix building is handled by haskell.nix, which generates nix infrastructure from stack and cabal files. To generate the infrastructure, run nix/

You should rerun this script whenever you update the dependencies in a cabal file or you update dependency/GHC versions in the cardano-prelude snapshot.

So an update of GHC should be as simple as:

  1. Updating snapshot.yaml in cardano-prelude
  2. Updating stack.yaml resolver in cardano-ledger
  3. Running nix/

This may require updating the version of iohk-nix if the compiler version you're switching to isn't supported in the current version of iohk-nix. This will result in an error like missing attribute 'ghc864'. To update iohk-nix, simply change the git revision in iohk-nix.json, this can be done automatically by running the script in the nix/ folder.


This repo uses brittany to encourage a consistent formatting style.

If you have brittany installed, the scripts/brittany/brittany-all-hs script will run it over all .hs files with our brittany config file.

Otherwise, if your build fails the brittany CI tests, the buildkite page will include a git patch that you can apply and amend you your commit.

Scaling tests according to TestScenario

This repo uses custom Template Haskell helper functions allow the number of tests to scale for the scenarios of Development, ContinuousIntegration, and QualityAssurance (as defined here). This code block illustrates how to use said functionality:

import Test.Cardano.Prelude
import Test.Options (TestScenario, TSProperty, eachOfTS, withTestsTS)
import Hedgehog (property, (===))

ts_prop_trivial :: TSProperty
ts_prop_trivial = withTestsTS 1000 . property $ do
  True === True

ts_roundTripTrivial :: TSProperty
ts_roundTripTrivial = eachOfTS 1000 genTrivial roundTripsCBORBuildable

tests :: TestScenario -> IO Bool
tests ts = and <$> sequence
  [ H.checkParallel (($$discoverPropArg :: TestScenario -> Group) ts)
  , H.checkParallel (($$discoverRoundTripArg :: TestScenario -> Group) ts)

It is assumed that genTrivial is defined and in-scope, and that the type it generates has appropriate instances that allow it to roundtrip.

Note that we specify a concrete number of tests to run: 1000. This is the number which will execute in the ContinuousIntegration scenario, and the ratios by which that number will be multiplied for the other scenarios are given here.

Nix Tools

The nix directory contains files related to iohk-nix, the nix-based infrastructure were using to manage our dependencies and build on hydra. The important files are:

There are a couple of common issues that developers run into while working with haskell.nix: