inqlik / inqlik-tools

Set of tools for QlikView development in Sublime Text 3
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InQlik Tools for Sublime Text

Language plugin for QlikView load scripts

Syntax Highlighting

Sublime Text QLikView plugin


In qvs files subroutine names, variables in variable assignment commands and table identifiers marked as symbols. So Goto Definition, Goto Symbol and Goto Symbol in Project commands work.

Goto file

You can open any file in your project's directories from within qvs script. Default keymap is Ctrl-F12. That is something like Open-include but it can properly open files when part of the path presented by qlikview variables (important in Qlikview Deployment Framework environment). It is useful for opening of include scripts, qvd files (in embedded metadata viewer), and so on.

Build System

Build system allow to batch reload of qvw file from within of corresponding qvs script file opened in Sublime Text. To run batch reload Sublime Text should be able to find corresponding qvw file. By default it will look up qvw file with same name as qvs script in same directory. For example: We are editing file c:\QvProjects\Project1\Apps\LoadData.qvs in Sublime Text. By invoking build system (keyboard shortcuts for this command are F7 or Ctrl-B) we effectively run shell command

c:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe /R /NoData c:\QvProjects\Project1\Apps\LoadData.qvw

Load script in your LoadData.qvw file should contain include directive pointing to LoadData.qvs, for example $(must_include=LoadData.qvs)

If qvw file stays in another directory it may be indicated explicitly in first line of qvs script file by shebang-like comment string. For example, if your script file is c:\QvProjects\Project1\Scripts\LoadData.qvs corresponding qvd-generator c:\QvProjects\Project1\Apps\LoadData.qvw would be found if qvs script has first line


You may also use relative path syntax and skip file part of path string if base names of qvs and qvw file are identical. So in our last example we with same effect may put in first line of qvs script


Ctrl-Shift-B key combination opens corresponding qlikview application instead of reloading it

QVD Viewer

Clicking on QVD file in project panel instantly open view with information available in qvd header and LOAD statement for that QVD

QVD Viewer

QVW.LOG file viewer

While you editing qvs script file Ctrl-Shift-L key combination or menu command Tools->Packages->InQlik-Tools->Open and refomat qvw.log file opens qvw.log file corresponding to currently edited script. If you open qvw.log file directly Ctrl-Shift-L key combination or menu command just reformat log file.

Qvw.log file viewer

Expression Editor: Language plugin for editing QlikView expressions and variables

Article about Expression Editor with downloadable sample project placed here and here

Expression editor used to write and store QlikView variables in convenient form. Expression editor use YAML like format.

Syntax highlighting

Expression editor highlight both syntax for it format and syntax of QlikView expressions edited.

Expression editor

Formats of autogenerated file

On every save plugin autogenerate external file in one of available formats:

Current export format can be changed at menu item Preferences->Packages Settings->InQlik-Tools->QlikView variables file settings: User

Mandatory tags:
Optional tags:
Optional tags exported as additional variables in QDF format (additional rows in csv variable file)

Usual minimal expression definition looks like

set: SalesSum
definition: Sum({<OperationType={Sale}>} Amount)
label: Sales
comment: Sales amount

And corresponding auto-generated csv file would be

SET SalesSum,Sum({<OperationType={2}>} Amount),,
SET SalesSum.Comment,Sales amount,,
SET SalesSum.Label,Sales,,


In qlikview-vars files expression names (name after LET or SET tag) marked as symbols. So Goto Definition, Goto Symbol and Goto Symbol in Project commands work for expressions.

Syntax checks

Minimal syntax checks provided: Checks for mandatory tags, checks for uniqueness of expression names

Expand variables mode

Given expressions

set: SalesSum
definition: Sum({<OperationType={Sale}>} Amount)
label: Sales
comment: Sales amount
set: CostSum
definition: Sum({<OperationType={Cost}>} Amount)
label: Cost
comment: Cost amount
set: MarginAmout
definition: ($(SalesSum) - $(CostSum))
label: Margin
comment: Margin amount

Expression MarginAmount defined in terms of expressions SalesSum and CostSum. Normally MarginAmount would be exported in same form to csv file. So in QDF format it would be

SET MarginAmout,($(SalesSum) - $(CostSum)),,

You can expand variables before export expressions (Menu command Tools\Packages\InQlik-Tools\Expand variables and export file or Ctrl-Shift-S key combination). So target expression in export file would be

SET MarginAmout,(Sum({<OperationType={Sale}>} Amount) - Sum({<OperationType={Cost}>} Amount)),,

Installation :

Using Package Control (Recommended)

For all Sublime Text 2/3 users we recommend install via Package Control.

  1. Install Package Control if you haven't yet.
  2. Use Ctrl+Shift+P then Package Control: Install Package
  3. Look for InQlik-Tools and install it.

Manual Install

  1. Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu
  2. Download zip package and extract its content into InQlik-Tools directory in this folder. (Check that is immediately under `InQlik-Tools' folder not in nested folder)
  3. Restart Sublime Text

Last changes


I've switched to ST3, further development will be focused on that platform. Basic functionality (syntax highlighting for qvs files and expression files) should work on ST2. Specifically QVD viewer does not work for ST2 and disabled explicitly in it.