insin / react-router-active-component

Factory function for React components which are active for a particular React Router route
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react react-component react-router

React Router Active Component

Travis Codecov npm package

A factory function for creating React components which get a special className when a specified React Router route is active, and can also handle creating a link to the route.

The primary use case for this module is making it convenient to create components which contain a link to a route but put the active class name on the container rather than the link:

Using React Router's Link component:

<ul>                                      <ul>
  <li>                                      <li>
    <Link to="/route"                 =>      <a href="" class="active">
          activeClassName="active">             Link Text
      Link Text

Using the activeComponent() factory function:

var NavLink = activeComponent('li')
<ul>                           <ul>
  <NavLink to="/route">   =>     <li class="active">
    Link Text                      <a href="">
                                     Link Text

Live Demo (source)

The demo shows:


npm install react-router-active-component
import activeComponent from 'react-router-active-component'
// or
var activeComponent = require('react-router-active-component')


activeComponent(component[, options])

Creates a ReactComponent which takes the same props as React Router's Link component to configure when it is considered active and which class it will be given when active.

The component's contents will be wrapped in the given tag name or component - by default, its children will be used as contents for a <Link/>.

component: String | ReactComponent

This can be anything that can be passed as the first argument to React.createElement() - a tag name string or a ReactComponent which will be used to wrap the component's children.

var NavItem = activeComponent('li')

If a custom React component is given, the following additional props will be passed to it when rendering:

options: Object

An options object with the following properties:

link: Boolean (default: true)

If true, the component's props and children be used to create a <Link/>. Otherwise, its children will just be wrapped in the specified component.

var ActiveParagraph = activeComponent('p', {link: false})
linkClassName : String

A default className for the nested <Link/>.

Component Props

The component created by activeComponent() takes the same props as React Router's Link component. See the React Router Link API docs for details.

One difference is that activeClassName will default to active if not provided, since determining if a component is active is the whole point of using activeComponent()!

Use the onlyActiveOnIndex boolean prop to control when a component is considered active when its URL path matches part of a deeper path - for example, if you have a "Home" navigation link which you only want to display as active when the current path is '/', you should use this prop:

<NavLink to="/" onlyActiveOnIndex>Home</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/tasks">Tasks</NavLink>

Pass a linkProps object to provide additional props when rendering a nested <Link/>:

<NavLink to="/special" linkProps={{className: 'special', onClick: this.handleSpecial}}>
  Special Link

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