instar-robotics / papyrus

Papyrus is the front end GUI that generates neural scripts that can be executed by kheops
GNU General Public License v3.0
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+TITLE: Papyrus User Guide

+STARTUP: inlineimages

+OPTIONS: toc:t


/(An HTML of this =README= is available [[./README.html][here]] if you prefer)/

Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of features =Papyrus= offer:

=Papyrus='s GUI is based on Qt 5.

As an indicator, =Papyrus= was successfully compiled and run on Ubuntu 18.04, and nixOS (starting from 18.09, though it needs some adjustments for the ROS packages).

=Papyrus= and =Kheops= are fully independent one from each other (and it's important to keep it that way) which allows us to have =Kheops= only installed on robot (especially if those robots have a non-graphical installation) and =Papyrus= installed on the diagnostic / development machines.

** Dependencies In order to build and run =Papyrus=, you will need those dependencies:

For the system and ROS dependencies, we let the user install the packages using his linux distribution specifics.

Below we explain how to build the dependencies from our suite (namely =Papyrus=, =Alexandria= and =Hieroglyph=).

* Fetching the sources and building /Note*: we assume the user has sourced the ROS =setup.bash= (typically =source /opt/ros//setup.bash=) before issuing the following commands./


$> mkdir -p ~/workspace/catkin_ws/src $> cd ~/workspace/catkin_ws/src $> catkin_init_workspace


This effectively makes =~/workspace/catkin_ws/` a /catkin workspace/ and this is where we will run the commands necessary to build (and install if you want) your catkin packages. We made all our software components (=Papyrus=, =Kheops=, =Alexandria= and =Hieroglyph=) catkin packages, so you can add all of them in the same catkin workspace for a smooth and painless compilation.

The above commands should result in a =CMakeLists.txt= symlink in =~/workspace/catkin_ws/src=.


$> cd ~/workspace/catkin_ws $> catkin_make


This should produce two new directories next to =src/=, which are: =build/= and =devel/=.


$> source ~/workspace/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash


This must be done every time you want to work with =Papyrus= (the same way you should always source your global ROS =setup.bash=). If you tend to open and close a lot of terminals, you might want to add those two =source= commands in your =~/.bashrc=.


$> cd ~/workspace/catkin_ws/src $> git clone $> git clone $> git clone


Make sure you cloned the three repositories in the =src/= directory and not at the root of the catkin workspace (catkin expects projects to be in =src/=).


$> cd ~/workspace/catkin_ws/ $> catkin_make



** Launching & running

Being a ROS package, you can launch =Papyrus= from anywhere (you don't need to be in your catkin workspace, as long as you sourced your =~/workspace/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash=) with the following =rosrun= command:


$> rosrun papyrus papyrus


note: you need to write =papyrus= twice: the first one is the name of the ROS package, and the second is the executable to launch from this package. It is possible to have several executables inside a ROS package. A good indicator that you have correctly sourced your catkin workspace =setup.bash= is that typing =rosrus pa= and using == should auto complete it to =papyrus=, if it doesn't it /generally/ means there's an issue (or you are running an exotic system!).

Alternatively, the executable is store in =~/workspace/catkin_ws/devel/lib/= and is called simply =papyrus=. So you can also launch it directly from there.

If everything went well, you should have something like this:

+CAPTION: Papyrus home page

+NAME: fig.homepage


Congrats! =Papyrus= is now build and installed!

** First launch

=Papyrus= needs to be given two path to work correctly. The first one is the path to the XML description files. Basically it needs to know where it should go parse XML files that describes the Functions to populate the library, Typically you'd give it the path to where =Alexandria= is.

The second path it needs to have it the location of the C++ library files, that corresponds to the library Functions, this is where =Alexandria= was compiled.

=Papyrus= has two modes builtin: =DEBUG= and =RELEASE=. Typically, =DEBUG= should rather be called =DEV= (and it might be renamed later on), and this is intended to work on =Alexandria=: add new Functions, change some, delete some, etc. While =RELEASE= is meant to work with a stable set of library Functions.

The two path mentioned above must be given to =Papyrus= in both =RELEASE= and =DEBUG= mode, which means =Papyrus= can ask you 4 paths. The first time your launch =Papyrus=, it will ask you to give it the XML description path for the mode it is currently is (it's =RELEASE= by default). And the first time you try to launch a =Kheops= script (by clicking the play button in the toolbar), it will ask you the path for the libraries.

For now, as =Papyrus= is still quite new, I suggest you switch to the =DEBUG= mode (by clicking =Options > Development > Debug= and then quit =Papyrus= with =CTRL + Q= and relaunch it). When it asks you the description path for the =DEBUG= mode, you should set it to =~/workspace/catkin_ws/devel/share/alexandria/descriptions= and when it asks you the path for the libraries, you should set it to =~/workspace/catkin_ws/devel/lib/alexandria=.

If you messed up, or want to change it, click =Options > Developemnt > Edit paths= or manually change the =debugLibPath=, =debugPath=, =releaseLibPath=, =releasePath= in =Papyrus='s config file located at =~/.config/INSTAR Robotics/Papyrus.conf=.

** The main window

=Papyrus='s main GUI window is roughly divided into 6 areas, as shown here:

+CAPTION: The main window

+NAME: fig.mainwindow


We'll describe the features of the areas briefly, before going into more details.

*** 1. The tool bar This is standard GUI toolbar like you expect. It provides quick access to commonly-used items in the menu above. Starting from the left, you have icons to:

More might come as we ass new feature, make sure to come check this tutorial every now and then to discover new ones.

*** 2. The library panel This library panel contains the current loaded Functions (in =Alexandria=). Those are all the Functions you can add (by drag and dropping them) to the script. The window is usually bigger, when the property panel (see below) is not big.

The blue entries ("Constants", "Arithmetic", "Boolean", etc.) are /categories/ and they are used to group Functions into logical sections (which are separate library in C++ sense).

Double-click a category to expand/collapse it. Only one category can be expanded at a time (we have several hundreds of functions, so it's to prevent things to get messy).

Note the =Filter...= field above: type something in it, and the Functions will be sorted on-the-fly, allowing you to reach the desired function in a few keystrokes!

To add a Function into the script, simply drag it from this library panel and drop it to the scene (see below).

*** 3. The properties panel This panel is used to display the properties of the currently-selected object in the scene (see below). It changes dynamically based on what you select.

In the screenshot above, it shows the properties for the Function called =MSSum= that is in the scene. The properties panel enables you to see and edits properties for three kinds of objects:

When you modify properties in this panel, changed are applied only when you click the =OK= button or you press ==. If you exit the panel by clicking the scene or another object or if you hit =Cancel= or press =ESCAPE=, the object's properties will be left untouched and the values in this panel will be restored to the one the object currently has.

In the [[fig.mainwindow][above screenshot]] a Function's properties are displayed and can be modified:

Here's a demonstration of a live visualization in action:

+CAPTION: Demonstration of enabling live visualization for a Function

+NAME: fig.demolive


As you can see, the function does not have =Publish output= checked. Also notice how the script is effectively paused, resumed and stopped.

In [[fig.propertiesscript][this screenshot]] you can see how the properties panel looks when you have clicked on an empty space in the scene, which means you display the properties of the current script.

+CAPTION: Properties panel for a script

+NAME: fig.propertiesscript


Here you can see:

In [[fig.propertieslink][this screenshot]] you can see how the properties panel looks when you have a Link selected.

+CAPTION: Properties panel for a link

+NAME: fig.propertieslink


A Link stores a matrix of weights between the output of a Function and the Input of another. There are four types of Links (or Inputs for a Function, this is equivalent), they are:

The checkbox =Secondary= is to be checked for Links that loop back to a previous Function. It informs =Kheops= that this Link should be ignored on the very fist iteration (otherwise we have a chicken-egg problem where Functions can't be triggered because they take for input the output of a /later/ function). When you create a self-looping Link, /i.e./ a Link that goes for the output of a Function back to one of its own input, this checkbox is automatically checked for you, but if you create a Link to a Function earlier in the graph, then it's your responsibility to check it (as =Papyrus= doesn't (yet?) traverse the graph to find dependencies (MR are appreciated btw!)).

When the Link is of type =MATRIX_MATRIX= (and only in this case), you can set the /neighborhood/ of neurons. It means you can define how each neurons from the incoming Function will be connected to each neurons in the target Function. There are three possibilities:

*** 4. The scene

The scene is the main =Papyrus= area. It corresponds to the script you are writing. This is where you drop Functions that were dragged from the library panel, and interconnect them with Links.

You can move a Function (or a group of Functions) by selecting them and dragging them across the scene with your mouse.

You can delete a Function of a Link by selecting it and hitting your == key.

=Papyrus= supports undo / redo (bound to =CTRL + Z= / =CTRL + Y=) for all major actions (adding a Function to the scene, deleting a Function from the scene, changing a Function's properties, same with Links, etc.).

Everything draw in the scene is vectorial, which means you can zoom in and out the scene as you wish (either from the =View= menu, the toolbar buttons or =CTRL + mouse wheel=).

You've got scroll bars to scroll the scene horizontally and vertically. Alternatively, using your mouse wheel will scroll the scene vertically and =ALT + mouse wheel= will scroll the scene horizontally.

At any time you can hit =CTRL + == (or click =Zoom fit= from the toolbar) to re-center and re-zoom the scene to contain all elements (this is useful when you get lost in a scroll or zoom).

*** 5. The status bar

The bottom left corner of the window is the status bar (currently empty in [[fig.mainwindow][the main window]], but you can see some message in [[fig.homepage][the first picture]] or even see it in action [[fig.demolive][in the live demo]]).

This status bar is used to display messages when something happens in =Papyrus=. You've got three kinds of messages:

*** 6. The ROS-master indicator

This ROS icon is just here as a convenience to tell you the current status of the ROS master. It's green when the ROS master is detected up and running, and turns red when the ROS master goes down. =Papyrus= still works when the ROS master is down, but it's an indicator that you won't be able to launch/pause a script, or even connect to one, let alone live visualize some Functions, since the ROS master is not running, those are either not running either, or not reachable.

** Manual

*** Create a new script You can create a new script by clicking =File > New Script=, or clicking the =New Script= icon or better, by hitting =CTRL + N=.

You are then greeted with a small modal window asking you the name of the new script, which will also be its default filename. Chose your name wisely because whatever you put there will become part of the topic names (/e.g./ if you set =foo=, then your ROS topics and services will be in the form =/kheops_foo/xxx=).

You can cancel the creation of a new script by clicking =Cancel= or hitting ==.

*** Open an existing script You can open a script by clicking =File > Open Script=, clicking on the =Open Script= icon. You've got a file selector which allows you to select =.xml= files. The new opened script will be added as a new tab in the scene.

*** Save current script You can save the current script by clicking =File > Save Script=, by clicking the =Save Script= icon or better, hit =CTRL + S=. The first time you save a script, it will ask you the location in which you want to save the script and it will pre-fill the file name, based on the Script name you defined at the creation.

Script that were modified by not saved have a little star next to their name in the tabs.

*** Close current script You can close the current script by clicking =File > Close Script= or better, by hitting =CTRL + W=. If the file was modified, it will first ask you if you want to save it.

*** Undo / redo actions you can undo or redo last actions by clicking =Edit > Undo / Redo= or better, hit =CTRL + Z=, =CTRL + Y=.

*** Reopen last opened scripts If you want =Papyrus= to remember which scripts were opened when you closed it, you need to check the option in =Options > Reopen last scripts=.

*** Zooming the scene You can zoom in, out or zoom fit the scene in the menu =View > Zoom in/out/fit=, or clicking the corresponding icons on the tool bar, or better, by hitting =CTRL + +=, =CTRL + -= or =CTRL + ==.

*** Antialiasing You can toggle antialiasing in the menu =View > Antialiasing= or better, by hitting =CTRL + SHIFT + A=.

*** Display the grid You can toggle the display of the grid (the little dots on the scene) in the menu =View > Display Grid=, by clicking the corresponding toolbar button or better, hit =CTRL + SHIFT + G=. Note that the grid always exists (and Functions will be snapped to the grid), it's just a matter of whether you want to see it or not.

*** Connect to a running =Kheops= script You can connect =Papyrus= to a running =Kheops= script by clicking on =Kheops > Connect=, the =Connect to Kheops= toolbar button or better, hit =CTRL + C=. It will present you with a list of detected running =Kheops= scripts (make sure your ROS URL is correct), click on the one you want and it will connect.

For now, if you connect to a script that is running locally (on your machine), =Papyrus= will automatically open the script file, so you can start debugging Functions live! (The remote version is coming).

*** Launch/pause/resume/stop a script Whether you have connected to a script or if you are creating a script, you can launch it, pause it, resume it or stop it with the =Kheops > Run/Pause/Stop= menu or the corresponding toolbar icons. Note that the lifecycle of the script is independent of =Papyrus=:

*** Display a Function's activity You can display a Function's activity (remember "activity" and "output" are the same thing) by clicking on a Function in the scene, and clicking =Display Visualization= from the properties panel. This will create a small graph window in which the activity of the Function is displayed.

You can enable the visualization before launching the node, or while the node is running, as you wish: this works transparently!

You can move the activity visualizer window by drag and drop-ing it. You can change its size by approaching your cursor to either the right edge, the bottom edge or the bottom right corner; the cursor will change change, and at this point it's just a matter of clicking and dragging, this is quite intuitive and standard.

You can close a Function's activity visualizer by selecting it (clicking on it) and hitting == or ==.

*** Hiding / showing all outputs If you want to quickly /hide/ (not close) all visible Activity visualizers, you can click =Kheops > Hide outputs=, or better hit =CTRL + H=. The widgets won't be computed anymore which makes you save performances.

You can show them back with =Kheops -> Show outputs= or hit =CTRL + SHIFT + H=.

*** Listing shortcuts You can have a list of shortcuts and a quick cheat sheet by clicking =Help > List shortcuts=.

*** See the CHANGELOG You can see the =CHANGELOG= for the different versions of =Papyrus= by clicking =Help > CHANGELOG=. This lists all =Papyrus=- version, with the newest (the one you are running) at the top. Bug fixes are listed, and new features are explicitly noted.

Note that the first time you open =Papyrus= after upgrading to a newer version this =CHANGELOG= window will automatically appear once. Press == to close it.

A =Papyrus= version corresponds to a =git tag= on the repository. A crawler automatically periodically pings the repository for a new version. When it finds one, a pop-up will alert you that a new =Papyrus= version has been released and that you can update.

This pop-up will only appear once, and =Papyrus= will never self-upgrade: you need to checkout the sources yourself, build them (install =Papyrus= if you want) and re-launch for the upgrade to take effect.

*** See the About dialog You can show the =About= dialog in =Help > About Papyrus= or hit =CTRL + ?=.

*** Creating a Link In order to connect the output of a Function to the input of another, you need to create a Link. To create a Link, simply click on the /Output slot/ of a box and drag until you reach the desired /Input slot/ of another box.

=Papyrus= will prevent you from creating invalid Links (remember that =Kheops= is strongly typed). When you start making a Link, all input slots names will be displayed so you know which input you need to reach. When you reach a valid input slot, the Link will turn green, indicating you that the Link you are creating is valid and turn red if it is invalid.

Additionally, input slots which can receive your Link will slightly grow and turn green as you approach then, while invalid input slots for this Link will stay grayed out.

You can see the creation of a Link in action [[fig.demolink][below]]. You can see that I first start to create an invalid Link (twice): the Link turns red and when I release my mouse, the link is not created. This is because I'm trying to link a =MATRIX= type Function to a =SCALAR= type input.

When I create a Link from the =SCALAR= constant Function, there it works. Immediately after releasing the mouse, a small pop-up asks you for the weight you want to assign this Link. You can change it later by selecting the Link and editing its Link in the properties panel.

+CAPTION: Demonstration of the creating of a Link

+NAME: fig.demolink


*** Inhibition Inputs All Functions have an additional input, which is not described in its XML description file: the inhibition input. It's called =inhib= and is of type =SCALAR=.

This input slot is situated near the output slot, and is almost invisible most of the time. It only becomes visible when you are creating a new Link, and while you are dragging the Link, you need to come close to it (remember: it's located near the output slot). When you have Links connected to this inhibition input, it also becomes permanently visible.

The goal of this input is, as its name implies, to /inhibit/ the activity of this Function. When no Link are present on =inhib=, or if the value is =0=, then the activity of the Function is unchanged. But when the Link on =inhib= takes values between =0= and =1=, the activity is linearly inhibited correspondingly (/i.e./ multiplied by =1 - inhib=). So the closer you are to a value of =1=, the closer the activity of this Function falls to =0=. This setup is there to mimic neural inhibition where some Function can decrease the value of another when it fires.

For almost all purposes, you can see this =inhib= entry as a standard multiplication with =SMul= by the value (only it's =1 - inhib=). With one difference: when =inhib= reaches =1.0=, the inhibited Function actually stops publishing its activity on the ROS bus (contrary to a simple =SMul=).

You can see the =inhib= input in the [[fig.demoinhib][video below]].

+CAPTION: The inhib input slot is situated near the output slot and is mostly invisible expected when approached

+NAME: fig.demoinhib


*** Swapping Functions Sometimes when you are in the process of creating a script you want to test some new Functions in place of another. For hits purpose, we implemented "Function swapping": this is where you drag a Function from the library panel, but instead of dropping it on an empty space in the scene, you drop in /on top of another Function/.

When you do this, the Function on the scene will turn purple to indicate that if you drop here, it will be swapped out. When you swap out Functions, several things happen:

You can see the Function swap in action [[fig.demoswap][below]]. I start with a =SSum= Function which is a simply addition of scalars. I am giving it a =Title=, I check the =Save activity= property and I show you its topic name (which is based on its UUID since I did not enter anything specific).

Then I search for the =SMul= Function which is a simply multiplication of scalar (by the way you can see how filtering for Functions in the library panel works), then I drag the =SMul= Function on the scene. When I hover the =SSum= Function, it turns purple and when I drop it on it, I've got a confirmation pop-up asking me if I'm sure.

When I confirm, you can see in the properties panel that indeed, the new Function has become =SMul=, it kept the same =Title=, the same =Save activity= checked and the same topic.

+CAPTION: Demonstration of the Function swap feature

+NAME: fig.demoswap


This is useful to try out different Functions without the hassle of recreating Links and not loosing your graph's integrity.

*** Creating comment zones When your scripts become to have a good number of Functions and a Links, it might become a bit difficult to remember what does what. In order to do this, you have the ability to create =Comment Zones= or (=Zones=) by using your right mouse button and dragging a rectangle.

This create a sort of container in which you can put Functions. They have no meaning for =Kheops= and won't change anything in the way the script is executed, this is a =Papyrus= feature only and is intended to organize your code into groups of interest. You can also give a =Title= to a =Zone=, which can act as a small comment.

When you move a =Zone=, it moves all Functions inside with it. When you delete a =Zone= though, it will only delete the =Zone=, not the Functions inside.

You can see the creation of a =Zone= and how to add a small comment and change its color [[fig.demozone][below]]. As you can see: once a Function is inside the Zone, it moves with it, but if you get it out, it is free again.

Use =Zones= with colors to group your scripts in sensible, logical, meaningful sections.

+CAPTION: Demonstration of the creation of basic features of a =Zone=

+NAME: fig.demozone


*** Color code for types To help you quickly identify which slots can be linked together, there is a basic color coding for the type of slots (both inputs and output). As you can see [[fig.colortypes][in this picture]] :

+CAPTION: Illustration of the three colors for the three types

+NAME: fig.colortypes


Additionally, =MATRIX= Functions also have their background pink and =SCALAR+ Functions have their background white in the library panel.

*** Seeing the input names the moment you start creating a Link from a Function in the scene, all input slots's name will appear for the Functions on the scene, which helps you select the right one. When you finish the creation of you Link, the slots' name will disappear.

Some people prefer to see the slots name at all times, it is possible to have them displayed by pressing == on the scene.

You can see it in action [[fig.demotoggle][below]]. When I press == the names appear and stay on, when I press == again they disappear.

+CAPTION: Input slots names can be toggled on and off by pressing ==

+NAME: fig.demotoggle


*** Icon reflects type and matrix size In order to quickly get a sense of what Functions outputs (whether it's a scalar, or a matrix and when it's a matrix what rough shape it has) there's an icon on the right part of a Function that reflects the Function's output.

In [[fig.shapes][this picture]] you can see :

Note that this is dynamic: if you change the number of rows and columns of a =MATRIX=, the icon will adapt. This is only decorative and aims at helping you quickly identify Functions, it has no meaning for =Kheops=.

+CAPTION: The three different icon indicators for the Functions output

+NAME: fig.shapes


*** Name conventions Since we made the choice to have a strongly typed system, we needed to identify Functions. For instance we could not simply have a =Sum= or =+= Function:

With our strongly typed system, those need to be separate Functions, all of which can legitimately be called "Sum".

We came to a naming system where "S" stands for "scalar" and "M" for "matrix". And those three functions above are named respectively:

This sure makes for some weird Function names, but this was a compromised between readability, explicitness, and length. After a few days of tinkering with =Papyrus= you get used to it.

*** Function documentation In order to have some information about what a Function does, and what its inputs are, you can hover the mouse of its name in the library panel and a tooltip will appear with the information the developer wrote in the XML description file.

See it in action [[fig.demotooltip][here]]:

+CAPTION: Functions in the library panel show their documentation

+NAME: fig.demotooltip


If some information is missing, wrong or unclear, please make an issue [[][in =Alexandria=]], not in =Papyrus= as this is where the information is stored.

*** Error indicators =Papyrus= tries its best to warn you when you make mistakes. For instance, when a Link is invalid, it turns red and if you hover your mouse on it, a tooltip will explain the cause of the error.

In [[fig.faillink][this gif]] you see I am creating a Matrix which is not a vector, so it complains (because there's a requirement in the input for its incoming Matrix to be a vector). When I hover the link, it tells me what the problem is, I fix it, and the Link turns back normal blue.

+CAPTION: =Papyrus= warns you about invalid Links

+NAME: fig.faillink

[[./demo-faillink.gif]] *** Commenting / uncommenting Functions

The same way you can comment a line or a portion of code in a traditional programming language, Papyrus allows you to comment one or several Functions. In order to comment / uncomment Functions, you need to select them and press =C=. This will toggle the commented state of the selected Functions, as such:

When a Function is commented, several things happen:

Note that you cannot comment Constants.

You can see commenting and uncommenting Functions in action [[fig.democomment][in the video below]], and [[fig.demolivecomment][in this one]], you can see the live comment feature (note how the activity of the function changes).

+CAPTION: Commenting and uncommenting Functions

+NAME: fig.democomment


+CAPTION: Live comment feature in action: commenting/uncommenting a Function also requests the kheops node to comment/uncomment the Function

+NAME: fig.demolivecomment

[[./demo-live-comment.gif]] *** Copying / Pasting Functions

It is now possible to copy a group of Function on the scene and paste them on another place. This is sometimes cumbersome to go fetch the Functions one by one again from the panel.

To use the copy/paste feature:

[[fig.democopy][Below]] you can see it in action: I first copy a group of Function from the =Edit= menu, then I make another copy with =CTRL + C=. At the end I undo/redo the operation a couple of times.

+CAPTION: Copying and pasting Functions

+NAME: fig.democopy


Note that at the moment, only (non-constant) Functions can be copied: links and zones will be ignored from the selection.