instedd / cruzroja-registro

Sistema de registro de voluntarios y asociados para Cruz Roja Argentina
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Development environment


How to run

See this guide for instructions on how to install Elixir, Hex and Phoenix.

A docker-compose.yml is provided to run a PostgreSQL with the registro_dev database needed during development. It can be started with docker-compose up -d.

To start the Phoenix app:

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser. Alternatively, run with iex -S mix phoenix.server to use iex's interactive shell.

For development, run mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs to create an administrator user.

Note: a recent version of npm is required. Otherwise the required Babel dependencies might not be fetched. The app is tested with node v6.9.2 and npm v3.10.9. See this issue for more information.

Importing DB users

There should be a CSV called rrhh.csv in priv/data/. The document matches CRA's old database schema, and the original is located in the corresponding drive folder (internal).

After downloading the file to the proper folder, run mix run priv/repo/import_associates.exs