institut-galilee / smart-door

4 stars 3 forks source link
2019 m1


group name: KROM

Group members

Project name: SMART DOOR


a smart door will open automatically if it recognizes the person standing in front of it. In the opposite case, if it doesn't, a notification is sent to the owner device who can choose whether to allow the person to enter the house or not.

Proposed Versions:


Library :

List of essential components:


In the following software and hardware list, you can run the code file in this repository.

Software OS
Python 2.x/3.x, opencv, face_recognition, numpy, pandas, smtp, glob, email,lamp, esp-idf, arduino, Ubuntu 16.04 or greater


pip install opencv

you’ll need to make sure you have pip available. You can check this by running

pip --version

if you don't have pip, i suggest this link to install it

Test of our application: