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Re-run coverage compute with new PIDs from release #46

Closed GaelleChapuis closed 9 months ago

GaelleChapuis commented 9 months ago

The Phys WG is interested to recompute the coverage per brain region using the new set of PIDs that are released (and that are thus used in the BW analysis).

This is not urgent, can be post-poned to January, but is quick to do if the query is settled.

New PIDs for second release: Code: ibldevtools/Gaelle/PhysWG/coverage/

GaelleChapuis commented 9 months ago

I am for now doing this merging to get the complete list of PIDs:

        ins_bw_df = bwm_query()
        ins_bw_df2 = pd.read_csv('/Users/gaelle/Documents/Git/int-brain-lab/iblalyx/releases/2023_Q4_IBL_et_al_BWM_2_eids_pids.csv')
        pid = np.unique(ins_bw_df['pid'].to_list() + ins_bw_df2['pid'].to_list())

(699 PIDs) I am trying to use the Ephys Atlas clusters table to do the cell count. Two issues come up :

GaelleChapuis commented 9 months ago

With 644 PIDs, the values are:

Number of brain regions done: 75 too small and 66 (28.82096069868996%) needing more recording for overall 304. 163 brain regions done 71.17903930131004% brain region done.

Volume of brain region done: 7.409678101713824% for enough_rec label 0 91.52819726781084% for enough_rec label 1 1.0621246304753422% for enough_rec label too small

GaelleChapuis commented 9 months ago

Done with W51, 671 PIDs (for 699 total), 0 clusters with NaNs as acronyms, 91.8% coverage