int-brain-lab / iblalyx

MIT License
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The scripts folder contains one offs, or manual scripts to perform specific interventions or queries and report.

The management folder is meant to populate an alyx django application to be used within the scope of the manage commands. In practice a symlink sends the file and the private package _ibl to the alyx app via the following command on the server:

ln -s ~/iblalyx/management/commands/_ibl /var/www/alyx-main/alyx/data/management/commands/_ibl
ln -s ~/iblalyx/management/commands/ /var/www/alyx-main/alyx/data/management/commands/

# to link the ibl_reports page
ln -s ~/iblalyx/management/ibl_reports /var/www/alyx-main/alyx/ibl_reports
ln -s ~/iblalyx/management/ibl_reports/templates /var/www/alyx-main/alyx/templates/ibl_reports

