The current task view is not compatible anymore with the dynamic pipeline. We have most of the monitoring already in place in the json fields of the data repository and lab locations tables.
A general rule is to find views that give the magnitude of a given problem is useful for on-call.
Monitoring: get more information about session creation / task creation issues: register the logs in some way or form
Overview per server:
space left, daemon status, ibllib version, last activity
last session (with link to the reports page)
Overview per rig:
json field of the lab location
Task table per server:
for a time elapsed since now (say 3 months)
each row is a task type
columns: number of tasks in each status / proportion
Replicate tasks recap table but without pipeline columns and one local server per row + number of complete tasks over the last three months (n/N complete) + number of sessions with no tasks
Table showing last 5 tasks run on a lab server, with 1st row the last started
Table per task name showing only errored tasks, grouped by task contain line that starts with XError: ...
The current task view is not compatible anymore with the dynamic pipeline. We have most of the monitoring already in place in the json fields of the data repository and lab locations tables.
A general rule is to find views that give the magnitude of a given problem is useful for on-call.
Monitoring: get more information about session creation / task creation issues: register the logs in some way or form
Overview per server: space left, daemon status, ibllib version, last activity last session (with link to the reports page)
Overview per rig: json field of the lab location
Task table per server: for a time elapsed since now (say 3 months) each row is a task type columns: number of tasks in each status / proportion