int-brain-lab / iblrig

Main repository for IBL rig code
MIT License
21 stars 20 forks source link

iblrig v7

Software used to interact with various pieces of specialized hardware for neuroscience data acquisition.

We are in the process of moving our rigs to iblrig v8.
Support for iblrig v7 is being phased out as of mid-2023.

Usage instructions

Launch a task

Open Windows Powershell (blue icon on the taskbar) Copy in the following:

cd C:\iblrig_params

Transfer data

Open Windows Powershell (blue icon on the taskbar) Copy in the following:

cd C:\iblrig
python C:\iblrig\scripts\ C:\iblrig_data\Subjects Y:\Subjects

Update instructions

This is only possible within minor releases, for example 7.1.0 to 7.3.X. If going from a major release to another, (for example 6.X.X to 7.X.X) then follow the full installation instructions for the release.

cd C:\iblrig
git fetch --tags
git checkout tags/7.3.2

If you do not know the tag you want to update to, you can get the latest tag with:

git tag --sort=committerdate | Select-Object -Last 1

Where 7.X.X is the version you want to update to. (python is needed if there are updates to the task code, but this should only impact major releases)

Installation on Windows for iblrig V7.X.X

Software has only been tested on Windows 10. No other version of Windows is supported at this time. The test user account has administrative rights.

Prerequisite Software:

In order to install iblrig on a Windows machine please ensure that the following prerequisite is installed first.

Manually download and install the software by following the links above. The other option is to follow the instructions below utilizing Chocolatey for a quick command line installation.

(Optional) Use Chocolatey to install prerequisite software

Chocolatey is a command line approach to bring package management to Window. Run the following commands from the Administrator: Windows Powershell prompt to install prerequisite software by this method:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install vcredist140 --yes
choco install notepadplusplus --yes
choco install git --params "/Editor:Notepad++ /NoShellIntegration" --yes

Installation Instructions:

Several important notes:

Run the following commands from the non-administrative Windows Powershell prompt

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted -Force
cd \
git config --global advice.detachedHead false
git clone
git clone
cd iblrig
git checkout tags/7.2.4
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\Temp
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile C:\Temp\python-3.8.10-amd64.exe
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -FilePath C:\Temp\python-3.8.10-amd64.exe -ArgumentList "/passive", "InstallAllUsers=0", "Include_launcher=0", "Include_test=0"
C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\.\python.exe -m venv C:\iblrig\venv
C:\iblrig\venv\scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install --editable . 
pip install --editable ..\iblpybpod
cd Bonsai
powershell.exe .\install.ps1

Configuring the iblrig_params.yml file for your setup

Open the C:\iblrig\iblrig_params.yml configuration file in your favorite text editor and change the values to match your setup. If following these instructions, the only two values that need to be updated should be:

Running pybpod

To run pybpod and begin data acquisition run the following commands from a non-administrative Windows Powershell prompt:

cd C:\iblrig_params

Performing a manual upgrade (not recommended and not supported)

If attempting to perform a manual upgrade from a previous installation of iblrig, be sure to take special note of the following files and directories:

The files themselves or some of the file content can be copied back over to the C:\iblrig_params directory to ease configuration time.

For easier launching of pybpod

Within the C:\iblrig folder there is a start-pybpod-venv_Shortcut.lnk file that can be copied to the desktop for ease of use. Running the following powershell command from a non-administrative Windows Powershell prompt will perform this copy operation:

Copy-Item "C:\iblrig\start-pybpod-venv_Shortcut.lnk" -Destination "$Env:HOMEPATH\Desktop"

Configuring bpod boards

When first running pybpod, ensure that the Bpod boards are configured for your current setup. If this was an 'upgrade' from a previous version of iblrig, and the recommended backup operation was performed; take special note of the values within the C:\iblrig_params\.iblrig_params.json file. These parameters will contain the values like board name and COM ports relevant to your system.

Setup instructions for launching the 'Experiment Description GUI' prior to task launch (DEVELOP)

The 'Experiment Description GUI' is currently being developed in the iblscripts repo. This GUI is intended to simplify the categorization of an experiment and cleanly define what projects and procedures an experiment is for. In order to add the GUI to the tasks listed in the add_ex_desc_gui_to_tasks script, run the following commands from the Anaconda Powershell Prompt:

git clone C:\iblscripts
pip install -r C:\iblscripts\deploy\project_procedure_gui\pp_requirements.txt

Within whichever custom task you would like to test this gui, simply add the following lines to

from iblrig.misc import call_exp_desc_gui

How to develop on this repository

This repository is adhering to the following conventions:

Please review these conventions to more easily contribute to the project.

New feature branches:

Release candidate branches:

Hotfix branches:

The dev parameter file

In the root of the repository is a file called iblrig_params.yml. To more easily develop on this repository, perform the following:

Note: during the ci tests of GitHub Actions, a similar file is created called iblrig_params_ci.yml; this is used to accommodate the difference in directory structure that this system uses

Install Python v3.8 and set up venv for iblrig in Ubuntu 22.04

Instructions are for the assumption that this is for development and that the desired directory to work out of is ~/Documents/repos/iblrig

Installing from deadsnakes repo:

sudo apt install build-essential --yes
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa --yes
sudo apt update --yes && sudo apt upgrade --yes
sudo apt install python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-venv python3.8-tk --yes
python3.8 -m ensurepip --default-pip --user
python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip --user

Testing python3.8 venv functionality:

python3.8 -m venv test_venv
source test_venv/bin/activate
python --version
which python
python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
rm -rf test_venv

Troubleshooting Notes


Disable Microsoft Store associations with python command

Stim display on wrong screen

If the visual stimulus appears on the wrong screen:

pybpod custom tasks from v6 not running after migrating to v7

After migrating to v7 of the iblrig software, some may encounter a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'iblrig' error when attempting to run their custom tasks. This has to do with the way that pybpod calls python in the pre and post commands. Within the C:\iblrig_params\custom_path\tasks\my_custom_task\ directory, there should be a my_custom_task.json file. If this file contains any calls to a specific python executable, they must be updated to C:\iblrig\venv\Scripts\python.