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Personal Notifications #380

Open tecnobrat opened 6 years ago

tecnobrat commented 6 years ago

Perhaps this is already possible but I'm just not aware.

I would love if I could receive a private message from the Github bot when I've been notified on one of my organizations repos.

Basically, I don't want to have to watch my email for when someone is @mentioning me on github for work. I would rather those be rolled up into a private message from the Github bot.

Configuration around this so that I could only see notifications for my organizations' repos or all repos would be the ultimate.

ryandeussing commented 6 years ago

I think you mean personalized notifications, not personal repos ;)

But I agree with you and will go even further: each person on my team needs to be able to opt-in or out of notifications, by reason (and have those notifications posted to a channel of their choice):

assign | You were assigned to the Issue. author | You created the thread. comment | You commented on the thread. invitation | You accepted an invitation to contribute to the repository. manual | You subscribed to the thread (via an Issue or Pull Request). mention | You were specifically @mentioned in the content. state_change | You changed the thread state (for example, closing an Issue or merging a Pull Request). subscribed | You're watching the repository. team_mention | You were on a team that was mentioned.

The key is that everyone on our team of developers and non-technical staff do not want the same level of notifications, and we all want the fewest we can possibly receive while remaining productive.

We currently accomplish this by using Gmail filters and a Slack email address created for each user that posts to a different room for each user. It's hacky.

pavanvamsi3 commented 6 years ago

Is @mention available now? Can I enable it?

Hollywood commented 6 years ago

Gentle bump on this. Internally this would help the @github/services team tremendously in regards to keeping up with comms and allowing us to respond within a reasonable timeframe!

sklarsa commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this? Is there any way I can help? This would be huge for us in filtering out noise in github activity streams

waldyrious commented 5 years ago

@wilhelmklopp, @bkeepers -- any chance you could give us an idea of what would be necessary for this to happen? What can we do to help move this forward?

allbombs commented 5 years ago

Subscribed, want this!!

daveknapik commented 5 years ago

Subscribed. Please make it happen! Thanks!! :)

abinoda commented 5 years ago

Pull Reminders does this and is available in the GitHub Marketplace.

You can subscribe to DM notifications for issue and pull request related events including:

I maintain Pull Reminders so if pricing is problematic for anyone, please email me at and I'd be happy to give your team a free account.

abinoda commented 5 years ago

@Hollywood Thanks! Btw, if you want to use Pull Reminders internally at GitHub you're more than welcome to free licenses abound.

mkoleva commented 5 years ago

We have started using PullReminders and it satisfies all our needs - gives us the personal notifications we wanted and the stats help us identify bottlenecks. It's super convenient. Thanks @abinoda !

vict0rsch commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, though Pull Reminders works for PRs, issues are still not customizable as requested here

abinoda commented 5 years ago

@vict0rsch Don't want to sidetrack this issue thread but did want to respond to say that we expect personal notifications for Issues to be added in the very near-term.

vitaliimelnychuk commented 5 years ago

Did you plan work on it? Want this feature, is there any way I can help? I would like to join

leifhanack commented 5 years ago

FYI - The company behind Pull Reminders is joining GitHub. The product is free now and its features will be integrated into GH core:

jrochkind commented 5 years ago

@leifhanack I coincidentally just arrived at this issue looking for this func, two hours after you posted that.


Note for others, "Pull Panda" really is the same github marketplace app as "Pull Reminders" mentioned above. The above link to a "Pull Reminders" github marketplace app actually takes you to one called "Pull Panda", I'd guess it got renamed sometime after the earlier comment was made.

But its unclear to me if Pull Panda supports Slack message from an @ mention in a PR or Issue, which is actually what I came here interested in!

dennissivia commented 5 years ago

Hi everybody 👋 ,

thanks for all your great input. It is correct, that Pull-Panda joined GitHub and Pull-Reminders are part of Pull-Panda. The different parts are going to be integrated into GitHub, but this does not mean, that there is no room for personal notifications in the Slack integration.

Some kind of personal notifications for certain events is on the roadmap of things we want to improve. I don't have an ETA right now, but I will keep y'all posted.

dimitribouniol commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth, you can subscribe within the private GitHub app-channel, and only you will get the notifications you subscribe to.

hbd commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? Now that Pull Reminders is not available in the Marketplace, there doesn't seem the be a good option for personal notifications.

Hollywood commented 4 years ago

@hbd we're currently working on integrating it into GitHub. Checkout Pull Panda in the meantime. It's still @abinoda's Pull Reminders, but it has evolved into more. And the best part is that it's free!

andnor commented 4 years ago


Pull Panda is not accepting signups 😞


Is there another way to use the product? Does it support notifications on 'issues' yet?

glaebhoerl commented 4 years ago

Just googled for this feature and found this issue. I would also really appreciate having this functionality available.

alex-schaaf commented 4 years ago

I guess I'll give this another bump - would be a really awesome feature to have available!

vict0rsch commented 4 years ago

How is this still not a thing 2+ years after issue was opened and clear need from the community?

SavePointSam commented 4 years ago

While waiting for this feature, I have found this project to be very useful. It doesn't send your notifications to slack, rather integrates with the MacOS notification system which works well enough for me given this feature doesn't exist.

jean-sandberg commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth, you can subscribe within the private GitHub app-channel, and only you will get the notifications you subscribe to.

Yes, but I am unable to subscribe only to comments where I am @ mentioned. Can't wait for this feature! Yesterday I missed a GH email where I was @ mentioned and it delayed someone's work. If I were able to get a Slack notification I could have responded right away. Thanks!!

mressler commented 4 years ago

My team switched to GitHub recently. Really glad we did with remote work really taking off. The only downside and complaint from my team in retrospectives is exactly this. If we could just get an @mention in slack when we get an @mention in GitHub, our lives would be complete.

Bump and context. Thanks to anyone already working on this feature!

EtienneM commented 4 years ago

This is now possible by enabling this setting:

The only thing I wish they would implement is that they send the reminder daily, but I would also love to be able to ask for the content of the reminder whenever I want, for instance with a command like /github reminder.

Otherwise it works great! :)

glaebhoerl commented 4 years ago

@EtienneM That URL is a 404 for me?

EtienneM commented 4 years ago

@EtienneM That URL is a 404 for me?

Oh maybe they are doing rolling release of this feature or it's a beta. I don't know :man_shrugging:

jackwilsdon commented 4 years ago

It's a beta but you should be able to sign up for it.

glaebhoerl commented 4 years ago

I'm looking at the docs and it appears that this functionality is about sending reminders on a schedule for pending reviews.

Whereas the functionality I'm interested in would be immediately sending a message when @-mentioned. (Ideally also, in a configurable way, when a review gets assigned to you, when someone replies to you, and so on. But @-mentions are the core of it.)

jackwilsdon commented 4 years ago

Ah yes you're right @glaebhoerl - this only supports reminding you about review requests.

waldyrious commented 4 years ago

@glaebhoerl @jackwilsdon hmm, I seem to have this option under the "Real-time alerts" feature:

Screenshot 2020-04-06 at 12 19 15

Am I missing something?

jackwilsdon commented 4 years ago

Oh wow you're right - I completely missed the "Enable real-time alerts" checkbox 🤦‍♂

glaebhoerl commented 4 years ago

Oh, nice! Yeah that looks like what I wanted. :) Apparently they just haven't written the docs for that yet (or at least neither Ctrl-F nor GH's own search finds it). I'll see if I can give it a try!

glaebhoerl commented 4 years ago

No dice unfortunately. The organization admin successfully signed up for the beta, but when we go to Settings -> Scheduled reminders in our individual profiles, it says "Upgraded needed" in red text next to the organization name, with the Edit button disabled, and no other information. We have a Team account, which is supposed to be sufficient according to the docs.

jackwilsdon commented 4 years ago

I'd try contacting support in that case - I've managed to enable it for one of my organisations (it's a free one though).

ethanjyx commented 4 years ago

yes the scheduled reminders work extremely well, this issue could be closed now

michaelfarrell76 commented 4 years ago

I previously used pull pandas and have recently switched over to the native support. One minor regression ive noticed is that notifications for PR comments link generally to the pull request, not the specific comment like they did on pull pandas.

vict0rsch commented 4 years ago

@ethanjyx before closing, does it work for issues though? like when you're assigned an issue or mentioned in one?

ethanjyx commented 4 years ago

@vict0rsch no it doesn't

ashishkeshan commented 4 years ago

Would also love to see an integration for team mentions on issues!

virtualguy commented 4 years ago

Looks like "Realtime Alerts" are gone, i'm really hoping this is temporary as it was a killer feature!

timharris777 commented 4 years ago

I confirm the realtime DM alerts are not in Github's native pull panda features.

NathanHazout commented 4 years ago

I am interested in this, for GitHub Enterprise. Is this feasible right now?

timharris777 commented 4 years ago

This feature exists now. If you click on your user icon in the top right >> settings >> scheduled reminders >> Enable real-time alerts

RayBB commented 4 years ago

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to get notifications from things you're watching that aren't in an org?

When I go to I only see settings for github orgs I'm a part of.

I'd really like to get notifications when someone mentions me on public repos when I'm not part of the github org the repo is in.

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to get notifications from things you're watching that aren't in an org?

When I go to I only see settings for github orgs I'm a part of.

I'd really like to get notifications when someone mentions me on public repos when I'm not part of the github org the repo is in.

I wonder if there's a way to extend the comments feature to filter only for @mentions

littlehome-eugene commented 4 years ago

Why am I not getting slack notification

I can see that slack workspace is connected . But no channel or my id is not specified, how does github notify me through slack when it doesn't know which channel it's going to use to talk to me?

Screen Shot 2020-08-16 at 2 43 33 PM
littlehome-eugene commented 4 years ago

comments sends slack notification when comments are made on pull requests not just any issues?

I don't understand why I'm not getting slack notification whereas people here seem to be enjoying github-slack notification integration.