intel / intel-application-migration-tool-for-openacc-to-openmp

OpenACC* to OpenMP* API assisting migration tool
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Intel® Application Migration Tool for OpenACC to OpenMP API

A tool that helps migrating OpenACC-based applications into OpenMP

Table of contents

What is Intel Application Migration Tool for OpenACC to OpenMP API?

The Intel Application Migration Tool for OpenACC to OpenMP API is a Python3-based tool that helps developers to migrate OpenACC applications into OpenMP by the means of the offloading mechanisms. The tool takes application sources (either C/C++ or Fortran languages) with OpenACC constructs and generates a semantically-equivalent source using OpenMP. Since the tool is under active development, it does not rely on compiler-infrastructures and the existing divergences between OpenACC and OpenMP specifications, the translation may need some tweaking. So, the user takes the responsability of supervising the generated code.

The tool does not aim at guaranteeing the best achievable performance but at generating a semantically equivalent translation. The tool tries to generate the most efficient translation but there are a number of performance tweaks (e.g. hardware binding (gangs, workers, vector length)) that are unlikely to be performant-portable among other hardware. This is why, once the application has been successfully ported, we encourage developers and users to use performance tools for tuning their application performance.

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The tool recognizes many of the OpenACC compute and data constructs but cannot translate OpenACC API calls at the moment. The tool generates a source file with the original contents plus the OpenMP translated constructs. These constructs can be wrapped using #ifdef and #endif pre-processing directives.

Given the semantic differences between some OpenACC constructs and their closest OpenMP constructs, there are a few caveats that users should be aware:

In addition to these, the tool generates a report for each migrated file with information about the suggested translation and potential issues/warnings related to either the original or the suggested codes.

Using the tool

To invoke the translator, use the following command:

   <path>/src/intel-application-migration-tool-for-openacc-to-openmp <optional-flags> <input-files>

where <input-files> refers to source-code files containing OpenACC constructs. For each given input-file, the tool will generate a translation file named <input-file>.translated and will also dump a report with translation details into a file named <input-file>.report.

The tool supports the following optional flags:

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Experimental features

The tool supports some experimental features which are under development.

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Known issues

These are the currently known issues:

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© 2022 Harald Servat, Intel Corporation

Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

We welcome anyone interested in using, developing or contributing to Intel Application Migration Tool for OpenACC to OpenMP API!

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