intel / libvpl

Intel® Video Processing Library (Intel® VPL) API, dispatcher, and examples
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HEVC hardware plugin support for old intel drivers on Windows? #106

Closed paniksystem closed 10 months ago

paniksystem commented 10 months ago

oneVPL dispatcher fails to encode HEVC on old intel drivers (most recent from Windows Update on Windows 10, drivers version, i have a i5-7200U which works with ffmpeg 5.1 using the old mfx dispatcher, but the new oneVPL dispatcher has no support for loading the HW HEVC plugin using MFXVideoUSER_Load which is needed for this MSDK runtime version (1.25). Is this by design or is it planned to be supported in the future?

tletnes commented 10 months ago

MSDK Plugins were removed in API v2.0. HEVC support has been moved to the runtime with newer driver releases and does not require plugins. There is no plan to reintroduce the plugin subsystem.

paniksystem commented 10 months ago

Thank you