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Distribution and privileges check #146

Open shazaum opened 3 weeks ago

shazaum commented 3 weeks ago


I saw that it was necessary to check another variable for the version of the Debian distribution that I am using, Bullseye. As well as whether the user has privilege to install a package using apt.

144 - Problems identifying the linux distribution

145 - Check root privileges


About #144, to solve the distribution check, it is necessary to search for the ID variable instead of the ID_LIKE, then include a check for the existence of the ID variable and later, include it in the ID_LIKE variable.

145, a quick check with the whoami command, to validate if the user is root

How Tested

Just run the bootstrap script on Debian Bullseye

mav-intel commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @shazaum Could you please amend your commit rather than adding a new one? Would like to merge this into main without Modifying your commit by squashing it.