intel / media-delivery

This collection of samples demonstrates best practices to achieve optimal video quality and performance on Intel GPUs for content delivery networks. Check out our demo, recommended command lines and quality and performance measuring tools.
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Media Delivery Software Stack

.. contents::

.. |virt-guide| replace:: GPU virtualization setup guide .. _virt-guide: doc/virtualization.rst


Intel GPUs have dedicated hardware that enables fast, energy-efficient encoding and decoding of video compliant with the industry standards such as H.264, HEVC and AV1. Drivers and software enable application developers to utilize this hardware either directly from their own applications or from within popular frameworks such as FFmpeg and GStreamer.


This repository curates a coherent set of software, drivers and utilities to assist users who are getting started with transcoding video on Intel GPUs so that they can begin evaluating performance and incorporating Intel GPU transcode acceleration into their applications.

Included here are scripts, Docker configurations and documents that provide:


To run Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series

We recommend to attach GPU of `Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series <>`_
to the system with the following characteristics:

|                     | Recommendation                                                                                                            |
| CPU                 | `3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors                                                                          |
|                     | <>`_ |
| Storage             | At least of 20GB of free disk space available for docker                                                                  |
| Operating System(s) | Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04 with kernel mode support as described `here <doc/intel-gpu-dkms.rst>`__                      |

To run Intel® Arc™ A-Series Graphics

GPU of Intel® Arc™ A-Series Graphics <>_ should be attached to the system with the following requirements:

+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Recommendation +=====================+===========================================================================================================================+ CPU One of the following CPUs:
* `12th Generation Intel® Core™ i9 Processors`_
* `12th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processors`_
* `12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processors`_
* `12th Generation Intel® Core™ i3 Processors`_
* `11th Generation Intel® Core™ i9 Processors`_
* `11th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processors`_
* `11th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processors`_
* `11th Generation Intel® Core™ i3 Processors`_

+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Storage | At least of 20GB of free disk space available for docker | +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Operating System(s) | Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04 with kernel mode support as described here <doc/intel-gpu-dkms.rst>__ | +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

To run upstreamed GPU products

To run upstream GPU products, i.e. those GPUs support for which is available in Linux
distributions, you need:

|                     | Recommendation                                                                                                            |
| Operating System(s) | Linux distribution capable to support your GPU. We recommend Ubuntu 20.04 or later.                                       |
| Storage             | At least of 20GB of free disk space available for docker                                                                  |


We provide dockerfiles to setup transcoding environment. These dockerfiles need to be
built into docker containers. Dockerfiles can also be used as a reference instruction
to install ingredients on bare metal.

If you want to run in virtual environment, first follow instruction given in
|virt-guide|_ and then proceed with the setup described below.

Setup Docker

Docker is required to build and to run media delivery containers. If you run Ubuntu 20.04 or later you can install it as follows::

sudo apt-get install

You might need to further configure docker on your system:

Setup Media Delivery

We provide few different setup configurations which differ by versions and origins
of the included Intel media stack components. Some versions of media stack require
special setup for the host.

| Dockerfile                                         | Intel media stack origin    | Supported Intel GPUs                           | Host setup instructions                    |
| `docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild-prodkmd/Dockerfile`_ | Self-built from open source | Alchemist, ATS-M                               | `Intel GPU DKMS <doc/intel-gpu-dkms.rst>`_ |
| `docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild/Dockerfile`_         | Self-built from open source | Gen8+ (legacy upstreamed platforms), such as   | Use any Linux distribution which           |
|                                                    |                             | SKL, KBL, CFL, TGL, DG1, etc.                  | supports required platform                 |
| `docker/ubuntu20.04/native/Dockerfile`_            | Ubuntu 20.04                | Gen8+, check Ubuntu 20.04 documentation        | Use any Linux distribution which           |
|                                                    |                             |                                                | supports required platform                 |

.. _docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild/Dockerfile: docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild/Dockerfile
.. _docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild-prodkmd/Dockerfile: docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild-prodkmd/Dockerfile
.. _docker/ubuntu20.04/native/Dockerfile: docker/ubuntu20.04/native/Dockerfile

To build any of the configurations, first clone Media Delivery repository::

  git clone && cd media-delivery

To build configuration which targets DG2/ATS-M stack self-built from open source projects, run::

  docker build \
    $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') \
    --file docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild-prodkmd/Dockerfile \
    --tag intel-media-delivery .

To build configuration which targets Gen8+ legacy upstreamed platforms via stack
self-built from open source projects, run::

  docker build \
    $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') \
    --file docker/ubuntu20.04/selfbuild/Dockerfile \
    --tag intel-media-delivery .


Docker containers provide isolated environments with configured software.
To access resources on a host system you need to add specific options when starting
docker containers. Overall, software included into media-delivery constainers
requires the following:

* To access desired GPU you need to map it to the container, see ``--device`` option
* To be able to access performance metrics, you need ``--cap-add SYS_ADMIN``
* To access ngingx server (if you are running a demo), you need to forward ``8080``
  port, see ``-p 8080:8080``

Summarizing, start container as follows (``-v`` option maps a host folder
to the container so you can copy transcoded streams back to the host)::

  DEVICE_GRP=$(stat --format %g $DEVICE)
  mkdir -p /tmp/media-delivery && chmod -R 777 /tmp/media-delivery
  docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/media-delivery:/opt/media-delivery \
    -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \
    --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
    -p 8080:8080 \

Once inside a container you can run the included software and scripts. To start,
we recommend running simple `scripts <./scripts/>`_ which will showcase basic
transcoding capabilities. These scripts will download sample video clips, though
you can supply your own as a script argument if needed. If you work under proxy
do not forget to add it to your environment (via ``export https_proxy=<...>``).

* Below commands will run single transcoding session (1080p or 4K) and produce
  output files which you can copy to the host and review::

    # AV1 to AV1: 1 1 1 1

    # AVC to AVC: 1 1 1 1

    # HEVC to HEVC 1 1 1 1

* Below commands will run specified number of parallel transcoding sessions (1080p or 4K).
  No output files will be produced, but you can check performance. Mind that below numbers
  of parallel transcoding sessions are suggested for Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series.
  Other GPUs might support different number of sessions running at realtime::

    # AV1 to AV1: 16 4 16 4

    # AVC to AVC: 12 2 12 2

    # HEVC to HEVC 16 4 16 4

These scripts run transcoding command lines which we recommend to use for best performance
and quality in case of Random Access encoding. See `reference command lines <doc/reference-command-lines.rst>`_
for details.

In addition to the simple scripts described above, this  project provides the following
scripts and software which can be tried next:

* `Quality and performance benchmark scripts <doc/benchmarking.rst>`_
* `CDN Demo <doc/demo.rst>`_

For the more complex samples, check out `Open Visual Cloud <>`_ and
their full scale `CDN Transcode Sample <>`_.

Running 8K with Intel® Deep Link Hyper Encode

Intel® Deep Link Hyper Encode Technology was designed to boost transcode performance to achieve 8K60 real-time throughput. Currently supported via Sample Multi Transcode application, this technology was tested on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex 140 card (2 GPU nodes). Media delivery container can be used to check two different flavors of this approach:

Simple example scripts are provided allowing for a quick test of 8k60 transcoding at the user’s end. First, start docker with mapping multiple GPU nodes (mind --device /dev/dri vs --device $DEVICE as in previous examples) as follows::

DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(stat --format %g $DEVICE) mkdir -p /tmp/media-delivery && chmod -R 777 /tmp/media-delivery docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/media-delivery:/opt/media-delivery \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device /dev/dri --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery

Once inside the container, simple scripts can be used to showcase Intel® Deep Link Hyper Encode Technology. If you work behind a firewall, please add HTTPS proxy to your environment (via export https_proxy=<...>) before running the scripts.

More information on Intel® Deep Link Hyper Encode Technology can be found here:


Feedback and contributions are welcome. Please, submit issues <> and pull requests <> here at GitHub.

Dockerfiles should be supported as described in the document <doc/docker.rst>_.

If changes are done to dockerfiles and/or scipts, please, make sure to run tests <tests/readme.rst>_ before submitting pull requests.

Content Attribution

Container image comes with some embedded content attributed as follows::

/opt/data/embedded/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio.mp4: Film: WAR - Courtesy & Copyright: Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd.

Inside the container, please, refer to the following file::

cat /opt/data/embedded/usage.txt