intel / openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio

Apache License 2.0
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OpenVINO™ Plugins for OBS Studio

Current list of plugins

Smart Framing - Detect person(s) / face(s) in a scene, and automatically crop / center / resize around the subjects of interest.

Background Concealment – Segment a person in the foreground from background, and allow background to be removed via blur, static image, or virtual green sceen (for chroma keying).

Face Mesh – Performs Mediapipe's face mesh pipeline using OpenVINO & OpenCV. Overlays 468 facial key-points onto resultant frame. The intent is a reference / starting point for developers wanting to implement broader face effects.

More plugins coming soon! Contributions are welcome!


[1] Provides a set of OpenVINO™ based plugins that add AI features to OBS Studio.

[2] Serve as a reference code for how to make use of OpenVINO™ in a real-time video application requiring sustained inference, taking advantage of host xPU accelerators (e.g. CPU, GPU).

For Windows Installation -- Go to Release page to find latest set of packages & installation instructions.

For Linux, you can build / install from source. See below instructions.

How to Build & Install OpenVINO™ Plugins for OBS Studio from Source

Windows Procedure

In order to build these plugins for windows, you need to first build obs-studio from source by following these instructions:

You also need to have OpenVINO™ installed. You can find instructions to download latest C/C++ runtime from the release page here:

Finally, you will need to download and extract OpenCV for Windows. This is the recommended version:

:: Environment Setup ::
:: Open a cmd-terminal (cmd.exe), and set up OpenVINO, OpenCV, and libobs environment:

:: OpenVINO
cd C:\Path\To\w_openvino_toolkit_windows_2022.3.X.X\

:: OpenCV
set OpenCV_DIR=C:\Path\To\opencv\build
set Path=%OpenCV_DIR%\x64\vc16\bin;%Path%

:: libobs
set libobs_DIR=C:\Path\To\OBS\obs-studio\build64\libobs
set w32-pthreads_DIR=C:\Path\To\OBS\obs-studio\build64\deps\w32-pthreads

:: Build ::
:: Use provided build.bat script to perform out-of-source build:
cd openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio
build.bat -b D:\Your\Build\Workspace\openvino-obs-plugins-build 

:: Install ::

:: Install the built plugin DLL's to the OBS plugins directory
copy /y D:\Your\Build\Workspace\openvino-obs-plugins-build\intel64\Release\*.dll C:\Path\To\OBS_Install\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit

:: Install the required openvino-models directory to the OBS data directory
Xcopy /E /I openvino-models C:\Path\To\OBS_Install\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\openvino-models

Linux Procedure (Tested on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)

mkdir OV_OBS_Plugins_Build_Env
cd OV_OBS_Plugins_Build_Env

## Environment Setup ##

# Install / set up OpenVINO dependencies
tar xzvf l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu20_2022.3.0.9052.9752fafe8eb_x86_64.tgz
cd l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu20_2022.3.0.9052.9752fafe8eb_x86_64/
source ./
cd ..

# Install OpenCV build dependencies
sudo apt install opencv-devel
(libopencv-dev for 22.04)

# Install OBS & libobs build dependencies.
# Download appropriate .deb package for the version of Ubuntu that you're on. (focal for 20.04, jammy for 22.04)
# These .deb packages can be downloaded from OBS github release page, for example:
sudo apt install ./obs-studio_28.1.2-0obsproject1_focal_amd64.deb

## Build ##
# Create a build directory outside of OpenVINO OBS plugins source directory
mkdir openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio-build
cd openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio-build

# Run cmake, pointing it to the path where you cloned this repo
cmake /path/to/openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio

# Build it
make -j 4

## Install ##

# Install the built .so's to the OBS plugins directory
sudo cp /path/to/openvino-plugins-for-obs-studio-build/intel64/Release/lib/*.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/obs-plugins/

# Install the required openvino-models directory to the obs-plugins share directory
sudo mkdir /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/obs-smart-framing-ov
sudo mkdir /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/obs-face-mesh-ov
sudo mkdir /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/obs-backgroundconcealment-ov
sudo cp -R openvino-models /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/