intel / svr-info

Intel® System Health Inspector (aka svr-info) is a Linux command line tool used to assess the health of Intel® Xeon® processor-based servers.
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analysis configurations insights linux performance telemetry tools xeon


Intel® System Health Inspector functionality and future development has been moved to Intel® PerfSpect. For the latest updates and continued development, please visit the PerfSpect project at

Intel® System Health Inspector BuildLicense

System Health Inspector aka "svr-info" is a Linux command line tool used to assess the health of Intel® Xeon® processor-based servers.

Quick Start

wget -qO- | tar xvz
cd svr-info



HTML Report


Remote Target

Data can be collected from a single remote target by providing the login credentials of the target on the svr-info command line.

./svr-info -ip -user fred -key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Multiple Targets

Data can be collected from multiple remote targets by placing login credentials of the targets in a 'targets' file and then referencing that targets file on the svr-info command line. See the included targets.example file for the required file format.

./svr-info -targets <targets file>


Micro-benchmarks can be executed by svr-info to assess the health of the target system(s). See the help (-h) for the complete list of available benchmarks. To run all benchmarks:

./svr-info -benchmark all


Incremental Builds

After a complete build using the build container, you can perform incremental builds directly on your host assuming dependencies are installed there. This can make the code/build/test cycle much quicker than rebuilding everything using the Docker container.

If you are working on a single go-based app. You can run go build to build it.

Including Additional Collection Tools In The Build

Additional data collection tools can be built into the svr-info distribution by placing binaries in the bin directory before starting the build.