intelligent-agent / replicape

3D-printer cape for BeagleBone
10 stars 7 forks source link
 _____           __
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\_| \_\___| .__/|_|_|\___\__,_| .__/ \___|
         | |                 | |
         |_|                 |_|

Replicape is a 3D printer cape for BeagleBone.


This is the repository for the hardware, the "firmware" (Redeem) has a separate repository

What is in here?

I want one! How much is it, and where can I get it?

It's $99 and you can buy it in the store

I want to build my own board. How do I do that?

I want a different version of this, who do I talk to?

Talk to Elias

I have a Replicape, how do I wire it?

Look at the wiki page:

I want to read about the latest development of this board. Where can I do that?

The thing-prnter blog is a good place:

Who has contributed to this project?