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API calls hand 404 (Not Found) #72

Closed Hedde closed 6 years ago

Hedde commented 6 years ago

Not sure if this is the proper repo, but the demo gives 404s on certain calls (peers and quotes), is this demo deprecated or broken? 404 (Not Found)

(chrome xhr inspection)

n.b. this only occurs while trying to send to a red wallet demo account (msg: "No quote for the specified recipient or amount"), sending back to the admin's blue wallet works as expected

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

The 404 is used there on purpose, to mean 'no quote found'. Indeed it looks like can't currently find a route to I'm restarting the demo servers now, that usually fixes it when that happens.

Hedde commented 6 years ago

I didn't have time to test it sooner, but the issue is still there for me

No quote for the specified recipient or amount

Unrelated both red and blue demo's keep giving the validate email info message, although already passed;

An email has been sent to Please follow the steps in the message to confirm your email address. Resend the message

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

I know, I tried to fix it last night but once I logged in, I got distracted by server maintenance. :)

I fixed it now by increasing the limit of how much can owe, the trustline had been exhausted. It's working again now (please reopen if it's still not working for you).

Thanks a lot for reporting! I created as a follow-up issue about the 'Email has been sent' message.

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

Ah, also the liquidity of had been reduced to 2.04 USD, so it was only working for amounts lower than that. I gave another 90000 USD to and rebooted both servers, now waiting for the route between the two servers to be reestablished.

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

OK fixed, the quotes now say you can send up to 16843 EUR to blue and up to 89821 USD to red.