interledger /

🙅 Even earlier version of Interledger website
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This repository holds the code for the legacy website and was deprecated 8-April-2021. The new repo can be found at interledger-website.

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Do not edit the .html files at the root of the project. Your changes will be overwritten.

The _dactyl/dactyl-config.yml file lists the main contents of the website, which are Markdown files from two sources:

To build the site you first need to install Dactyl. For example:

$ sudo pip3 install dactyl

Then you can build a local copy by running the following command from the _dactyl/ folder:

$ dactyl_build -S

To add new pages you must edit the _dactyl/dactyl-config.yml file and provide the necessary metadata about the pages, then run dactyl_build -S to generate the new contents. (The -S just tells it to skip the step of copying the assets folder over, since it's already in the right place.)

To modify the page layout, edit the _dactyl/templates/ contents files. These files use Jinja syntax.

To contribute your changes back, commit the changes to a feature branch and open a pull request.