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🙅 Even earlier version of Interledger website
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Local environment points to remote resources #85

Open khoslaventures opened 5 years ago

khoslaventures commented 5 years ago

I tried making a small change to the website in terms of styling to improve readability, but I noticed none of my CSS changes were showing up in the local jekyll staging. Culprit is that all the resources are basically remote pointing to Any ideas why it's configured this way? Is there some base URL being applied somewhere that's messing with all the links?


khoslaventures commented 5 years ago

Have a look here:

Commenting out the first line solves the issue. Is this needed?

adrianhopebailie commented 5 years ago

It is for now but maybe we can come up with a better solution?

The content of is rendered at and to make that work we need the URL base.

If you can propose a change to the publish script in the rfcs repo that would publish into a folder of instead that might solve the issue?

khoslaventures commented 5 years ago

@adrianhopebailie Would you be interested in seeing a new website layout (including refreshed stack, whether it's jekyll or something else) down the line for this? Something that'd be just as easy to maintain and plays well with the RFCs?

adrianhopebailie commented 5 years ago

Sure, the website hasn't changed for a long time and we probably need to think about better information organisation now that we have so much to consume.

We probably need a better "overview" page that visually puts the pieces together and links to the appropriate RFCs.

This feels like quite a big project but if we have a willing group to work on it I'd be up for co-ordinating. I'm sure @emschwartz would be keen to help too.

khoslaventures commented 5 years ago

That's great! Along with the RFCs, I'm wondering if you guys have plan for developer docs, sort of like this:

Also having official Sourcegraph support for all the repos in interledger-js would make things so much easier in terms of navigating code, how things connect, etc.