interledgerjs / five-bells-integration-test

A module to help with testing Five Bells components against each other
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A module to help with testing Interledger.js components against each other


This module is used by the CI tests of the different Interledger.js components. This module is installed with each component as a dev dependency and run during continuous integration. When run, it installs the other components and then tests them against the local working tree of the current component.


npm install --save-dev five-bells-integration-test


When run this test suite will instantiate instances of ilp-connector and configure it with instances of ilp-plugin-mini-accounts or ilp-plugin-btp (depending on whether the environment is configured as a server or client).

It will then create necessary senders and receivers using the STREAM protocol and send payments through the connector(s).

All services are loaded using the five-bells-service-manager which provides convenience APIs for interacting with the services.

The five-bells-integration-test-loader is used to install and setup the test directory with the appropriate versions of dependencies. If the tests are triggered as part of the test run for a specific component then the working copy of that componenet is used. Dependencies will be fetched from the latest master branch OR from a branch with the same name as the component under test (if available).

Testing a component

To run the integration tests for the current version of a component ensure that the package.json contains the following:

  "scripts": {
    "integration": "integration-loader && integration all"
  "config": {
    "five-bells-integration-test-loader": {
      "module": "five-bells-integration-test",
      "repo": "interledgerjs/five-bells-integration-test"

Running npm run integration will install the necessary components and run the tests.

TODO - Below is outdated

Usage (with Docker)

Get the Docker image for the Five Bells integration tests, and save yourself a lot of configuration and slow building steps on your laptop:

docker pull michielbdejong/five-bells-integration-test

That pulls in a certified build from Docker's hub, but if you like to build the Docker imager yourself then just do docker build . instead.

You are probably not so interested in seeing the integration tests run on the master branches of the various repos as they were when this Docker image was built, because you can already watch that on circleci, but just so you know, the command for that would be:

docker run michielbdejong/five-bells-integration-test

So instead, go inside the container and run the tests interactively:

docker run -it --rm michielbdejong/five-bells-integration-test /bin/bash
$ cd integration-test/ilp-kit ; git status ; git fetch origin ; git checkout origin/my-awesome-improvement-that-I-want-to-test ; cd ../..
$ vim src/tests/index.js # add some debug statement to that failing `beforeEach` hook
$ vim integration-test/node_modules/ilp-connector/src/lib/route-builder.js +123 # add a console.log statement to see how that error is caused
$ ./src/bin/integration test advanced connector_first # run only the 'advanced' and 'connector_first' integration test
$ ./src/bin/integration test # run all the integration tests

Repositories tested by the integration tests:

The branch-matching done by integration-loader is quite nifty, although sometimes you will have to read the code to know exactly what is going on. Roughly, what it does is:

To check out a cross-repo branch, for instance mj-currency_scale, do the following inside the container:

$ cd /app
$ git branch mj-currency_scale
$ git checkout mj-currency_scale
$ ./node_modules/.bin/integration-loader
$ src/bin/integration setup
$ cd integration-test/ilp-kit
$ npm rebuild node-sass; npm run build # this is necessary because running npm install as root causes it to skip the postinstall hook
$ cd ../..
$ ps auxwww # kill any npm/node processes still running from previous runs
$ src/bin/integration test connector_first
$ src/bin/integration test

You will probably need to manually keep track of which version of which package is installed in /app/node_modules, /app/integration-test/node_modules, and /app/integration-test/ilp-kit/node_modules to make sure you are testing the versions you want to. Of course, you can also still run the integration tests on, or direcyly on your laptop, without Docker.

Usage (without Docker)

In any five-bells module which has five-bells-integration-test installed, simply run:

npm run integration

This is enabled by the following config in the package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "integration": "integration test"


The five-bells-integration-test module can be tested on its own:

npm install
npm test