internetarchive / arklet

ARK minter, binder, resolver
MIT License
21 stars 14 forks source link
ark arks django postgres python

Arklet - A basic ARK resolver


What is an ARK?


What is Arklet?

Arklet is a Python Django application for minting, binding, and resolving ARKs. It is intended to follow best practices set out by

Technical design notes:

Arklet is developed with poetry, pytest, black, tox, and more.


Locally with Postgres

Create the default .env file in the project's root directory

# /!\ Set your own secret key /!\

# For local development, set to True

The following steps walk through running Postgres, installing with poetry, and starting the app. You can omit any of the extras listed in the poetry install step if they are not used in your deployment. The included arklet/ file does require environ. You can skip installing the development dependencies by passing --no-dev to poetry. Django is the only required dependency.

cd path/to/project
mkdir postgres-data
docker run --name arklet-postgres -v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=arklet -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=arklet \
    -d postgres
poetry install --extras "postgres sentry environ"
poetry run python migrate
poetry run python createsuperuser
poetry run python runserver

Separate dockers

Using docker, we can use a this provided config file.

See above for running PostgreSQL, and run the Arklet docker as follows (in bash):

docker build \
    --target dev \
    -t "arklet" -f ./Dockerfile . \
    --build-arg ENV=DEV \
&& docker run --rm -it \
    -p 8000:8000 \
    --env-file=./docker/env.docker.local \
    -e ARKLETDEBUG="true" \
    --name arklet \
    -v `pwd`/ark:/app/ark \
    -v `pwd`/ark_import:/app/ark_import \
    -v `pwd`/arklet:/app/arklet \

With docker-compose

Using the provided docker-compose.yml with default settings in the docker configuration directory :

docker-compose up

By default, the folders ark, ark_import and arklet are mounted in the container. Should you wish to attach a console to the arklet container (needed to create the django superuser) :

# In another shell
docker exec -it arklet_django /bin/bash
# You're now in the docker container
./ createsuperuser

First steps

Create your first NAAN, Key, and Shoulder in the admin:

And by the way, you now host a working ARK resolver! You can already try the following ones :

Happy minting, binding, and resolving!

Configuration Options

See arklet/ for the full list of options to put in your config file.


With docker

Using the provided Dockerfile (is you wish to set a build target, use prod, but being the default target you can skip this), provide the following values in your environment: