internetarchive / jbs

Builds Lucene/Solr indexes out of NutchWAX segments and revisit records via Hadoop.
Apache License 2.0
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The JBs 2011-09-06

The JBs is a Hadoop-based project for processing full-text search Documents. The main functions are:

o Parsing (W)ARC files o Merging parsed documents o Indexing parsed documents with Lucene or Solr.

Each is described below.


To parse (W)ARC files, use the Parse tool, e.g.

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar org.archive.jbs.Parse <(w)arc files...>

The (W)ARC files are named via paths, either local or in HDFS. The output directory will contain a matching set of files with names matching the input (W)ARC files. For example:

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar org.archive.jbs.Parse parsed/ foo.warc.gz $ ls parsed/ foo.warc.gz

Although the corresponding file in the output directory (parsed/) has the exact same name as the input (W)ARC file, the output is not a (W)ARC file, it is a Hadoop sequence file.

The reason for keeping the filenames the same is so that we can easily track the data from source (W)ARC file to output file. In fact, the Parse tool will check that for every input file, if the output file already exists, then it will skip that input.


Both indexing and merging of parsed documents is performed by the same tool:


This tool merges documents and writes them out in various "formats". The default format is a Hadoop MapFile. However, a different "format" can be specified, which writes out the merged documents to either a Lucene index or a remote Solr server.

To merge the documents:

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar org.archive.jbs.Merge

To index with Lucene:

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar org.archive.jbs.Merge -conf conf/index-lucene.xml

To index via a remote Solr server:

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar org.archive.jbs.Merge -conf conf/index-solr.xml

Sample configuration files (used above) are provided in the 'conf/' directory in the JBs.


To help trace the flow of data through the system, a simple debug tool is provided which dumps out the contents of the parsed files:

$ hadoop jar jbs.jar

where the input can be either a Hadoop MapFile or SequenceFile produced by the Parse or Merge tools.


There's some other jazz in the misc package, but most of it is obsolete or early, half-baked experiments.