interstar / cardigan-bay

A new wiki engine in Clojure ...
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CardiganBay is a new wiki-engine which aims to combine the best ideas from classic wiki with up-to-date technologies and an eye to the future.

How it looks

Easy Install and Introduction on YouTube

CardiganBay motivations

I need a new wiki-engine that can

Design decisions

Technical Decisions

Quick Start (for Users)

See also on YouTube in video form

Make sure you have Java on your machine.

Go to and download the latest zip file.

Unzip it.

On Linux. (And hopefully Mac)

cd cardigan

This should run the jar file. Using the default pages in bedrock.

(On Windows, go to the unzipped folder and run the go.bat file.)

On either OS, then go to http://localhost:4545/index.html in your browser.

You are now looking at and can edit your wiki.

Getting Started (as Developer)

CardiganBay is a Clojure project, originally kickstarted in LightMod but now compiled and run using the CLI tools.

Make sure you have the JDK and Clojure CLI tool installed.


git clone cb
cd cb
clj -A:dev:app

Then navigate to http://localhost:4545/index.html in your browser.

You should be running your wiki. By default CardiganBay starts on port 4545 and looks in the local bedrock directory for its pages. You'll find several pages with the beginnings of some documentation and examples there.

To change the page directory and port run with these as command line arguments, eg.

clj -A:dev:app -d PATH/TO/PAGES PORT

Features of CardiganBay


CardiganBay is currently actively developed Work-in-Progress and has some nice features. It also has some pretty rough edges, bugs, corner-cases, hardwired magic etc. And the current web-design is not quite so terrible as it was, but nothing to be proud of.

This software is probably not yet ready for usage in most of the real world except as a private notekeeping app. (Which is how I'm current using it.) I can't guarantee that a bug won't delete your data, so I highly recommend you only use this if you are keeping backups of your pages (ideally in git or similar)

OTOH, if you're excited by the potential, please get involved. Send me a bug-report or feature request. Or start hacking.

Building for Distribution

clj -A:prod:app

Will build everything into an UberJAR.

You can then run the UberJAR like this :

java -jar PATH/TO/clj-ts-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar PATH/TO/PAGES PORT

Hacker Roadmap

Want to change the look of CardiganBay?

All the css is in

All the layout / widgets of the UI are defined (in hiccup format) in

Most of the work on managing pages, including parsing them into cards and handling the rendering of cards is in

If you want to creat a new card type or edit how a particular type is being rendered, have a look in src/clj_ts/card_server.clj

But also look at resources/gql_schema.edn for enums related to graphql communication between client and server

Cards that are not Markdown or raw-text are usually represented with their type, and a small map in EDN format, with the required parameters.

A non Markdown card usually looks like this


{:some "cardtype specific data"
 :in [:EDN "format"] 


GraphQL Schema

Is in resources/gql_schema.edn. We're using graphql (via lacinia) for most communication between client and server. (Not all, for example card-move isn't yet). But eventually we should be doing all the things that it makes sense to do with gql with it.

The core.logic stuff happens in

If you want to capture more information in logic format or ask new queries on it, that's the place to look at.

The convention for using logic queries is that calls to them are embedded in :system type cards. (See card-server/system-card to see how to add a new system command.)

Where's the web-server?

Final Comments / Queries

Does CardiganBay deprecate Project ThoughtStorms?

Pretty much. CardiganBay has now replaced Project ThoughtStorms. It's used to manage ThoughtStorms wiki's pages, and the public ThoughtStorms site is now just static HTML exported from Cardigan Bay

I like Python (the language of the previous ThoughtStorms server). But I like Clojure a whole lot more. And the more I get into it, (and writing this has helped me with that) the more I see Clojure as the language I want to be using for most things in future. I don't need a legacy Python wiki code-base to be responsible for. And the world sure as hell doesn't need A.N.Other Python wiki-engine. Certainly not mine.

Whereas it feels like in Clojure I might yet be able to push my vision of wiki forward sufficiently to actually make something new and interesting.

What was that you were saying about usage on mobile devices?

Sorry to disappoint you, but right now there is no CardiganBay app. for Android. Possibly, because it's all Clojure (and therefore Java) there will be. Or maybe ClojureScript and ReactNative is the future. Long term there's an aspiration towards that but it's not in the immediate future.

However I am having success running normal CardiganBay on Ubuntu on the UserLand VM on my Android tablet. And by success, I don't just mean that it kind of works. I spent several weeks travelling in Jan 2020 and was actually developing the software (with the CLI tools, and running Emacs all in the UserLand app on the tablet.) While simultaneously using CardiganBay through the tablet's normal Chrome browser. With an 8" tablet and external keyboard this was actually a pleasant experience, as it acts like a very small laptop / netbook. Even without the keyboard, I'm finding CardiganBay usable on the tablet. Though it's not as comfortable or slick an experience as it is writing in a well designed Android app.

The bottom line is that, even if this isn't the greatest user experience, for people who know about Linux, wiki and Clojure, this is totally usable right now.

(Just use git when you get home to sync your work back into your laptop based notebook.)